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Emilio Aguinaldo

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Q: Who led the Filipino forces in opposition to the US?
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Who was Emilio Aguinaldo and how did he affect US foreign policy at the turn of the century?

Emilio Aguinaldo was a Filipino Revolutionary Leader who led the primary force of anti-colonial Filipino guerrillas against the Spanish Colonial Authority in the Philippines. When the United States went to war against Spain in 1898 (the Spanish-American War), Aguinaldo saw a chance to achieve independence by siding with the US forces, so he became an ally of the US forces in the Philippines. However, after the Spanish-American War, Aguinaldo learned that the US simply wanted to acquire the Philippines as a colony and rule over it much as the Spanish had before. As a result, he broke with the US and led Filipino forces in opposition to the US Occupation. He was unsuccessful and the Philippines would only become independent in 1946.

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US Army General Pershing led US Ground Forces in France in WW One. General John "Black Jack" Pershing

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1905, Filipino's staged an insurrection that was promptly put down by U.S. forces.

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Admiral George Dewey.

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