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i cant believe u dont know that dope

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Q: Who lived in North America when the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock?
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Where did the pilgrims settle from Atlantic Ocean to North America?

They left England and landed in Plymouth, Mass.

Did the pilgrims land in North America or The US?

The US, they landed in Massachusetts, but they didn't stop for long, so the first place they landed and settled longterm was Plymouth.

When did the the Pilgrims land in North America?

December 21, 1620 the Pilgrims land in the New World at whats called Plymouth Rock ...

What country did the pilgrims land at first?

They were headed for the East Coast of North America, but were aiming for farther south when they landed at Plymouth (think Virginia or North Carolina).

When Did The Pilgrims land On They continent?

The Pilgrims landed on the continent of North America in December 1620. They arrived at what is now known as Plymouth, Massachusetts, after a long and challenging journey on the ship called the Mayflower.

What state did the pilgrims land on in the North America continent?

The pilgrims landed in Massaacheusest

What is the name of the famous rock credited to be where the first landed?

The Pilgrims first landed at Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts, but that wasn't the first European, or even the first English settlement on North America.

The first permanent English settlement of the pilgrims in north America?

The first permanent English settlement of the Pilgrims in North America was the Plymouth Colony.

What is the first permanent settlement of the pilgrims in north America?

Plymouth rock

Where did the Pilgrims land and colonize in the north America?

In 1620 they landed in Massachusetts and established the Plymouth colony. The ship they were on was blown off course. The original destination was suppose to be Virginia near Jamestown.

What year did Mayflower pilgrims land in North America?

It landed in the year 1620.

What rock did the pilgrims land on in the North America continent?

Plymouth Rock in what would later become known as Massachusetts.