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Q: Who passed the notch law on social security?
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Why was the social security act passed?

because the law wanted men and some women of ages 21-30 to fight in the war.

Is social security law civil law?

No, far from.

How do you buy a Social Security number?

You don't buy a social security number. You go to your local social security office and apply to receive your own personal social security number.Buying a social security number is against the law.

What has the author F Pennings written?

F. Pennings has written: 'Arbeidsrecht' -- subject(s): Labor laws and legislation 'Europees sociale-zekerheidsrecht' -- subject(s): Social security, Law and legislation 'Grondslagen van het Europese socialezekerheidsrecht' -- subject(s): Social security, Law and legislation 'Introduction to European social security law' -- subject(s): Social security, Law and legislation 'De werkloosheidswet' -- subject(s): Unemployment insurance, Unemployed, Law and legislation, Legal status, laws 'Dutch social security law in an international context' -- subject(s): Social security, Law and legislation

Do NJ police officers pay in to social security?

State of NJ Police & Fireman did not contribute to the social security system until the early 1990. In the early 1990 a law was passed declaring that Social Security would be deducted from all State Police & Fireman. After that all State Police & Fireman that were hired started to pay into the system and are now entitled to the full benefit of Social Security. Police & Fireman hired before the change of law "to deduct social security from Police & Fireman". They are not entitled to collect Social Security unless they contributed 40 Quarters from other employers that they worked for during their employment years.

What has the author Desmond Neligan written?

Desmond Neligan has written: 'Social security case law' -- subject(s): Digests, Law and legislation, Social security

What is required by law for each individual social security account?

employers and employees both have to contribute equal amounts of money into the Social Security Trust Fund

Can ex-husband prevent a former wife of 29 years from claiming benefits from his social security benefits?

Absolutely not. Individuals do not have that degree of authority. Social Security is governed by law. See related link.Absolutely not. Individuals do not have that degree of authority. Social Security is governed by law. See related link.Absolutely not. Individuals do not have that degree of authority. Social Security is governed by law. See related link.Absolutely not. Individuals do not have that degree of authority. Social Security is governed by law. See related link.

Who passed the law for the TSA body scanners and when was it passed?

There is no "law" passed specifically to authorize body scanners. The Homeland Security Act, which was the enabling legislation for the Department of Homeland Security, is the basis under which that Cabinet level department operates.

What has the author Bojan Spicar written?

Bojan Spicar has written: 'Appeals procedure in social security' -- subject(s): Law and legislation, Social security, Social security courts

What law signed by President Roosevelt was influenced by the Townsend Plan?

he responded to it by supporting the social security act

What has the author Alex Arifianto written?

Alex Arifianto has written: 'Social security reform in Indonesia' -- subject(s): Social security, Law and legislation, Law reform