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Your employer! That's right, you as an employee you do not pay into unemployment. Your employer pays those taxes as a cost of doing business. So, the next time you or your buddy are sitting around complaining about the so called rich 1%, remember this is just one of the many taxes they pay and you don't!

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Q: Who pays Washington state unemployment?
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Where does unemployment money come from in Texas?

The state of Texas pays your unemployment benefits and, in turn, collects the unemployment taxes from the employers

How much is unemployment pay in Washington state?

The Washington State unemployment rate was at 7% as of April 2013. The unemployment rate of Washington, D.C. was at 8.5% during the same month and year.

Does unemployment benefits come from a state fund or directly from an employer?

They come from the state. Your employer pays unemployment taxes to the state and the federal governments.

When is a new employee liable for unemployment taxes?

He's not. The employer is the one who pays the state unemployment taxes.

When a small business is sold who pays for unemployment of the employees?

the state of which you are working in

Do you pay for unemployment in Indiana?

No, the employer pays it through a payroll tax to the state.

Does the cab company pay unemployment insurance?

If you are an employee of the cab company because you earn wages, then the company pays unemployment insurance to the state. If you were on straight commission, then they probably do not because commissions do not qualify you for benefits. Each state has it's own requirements as to who pays unemployment insurance.

Can you elect not to have unemployment taken out of your check?

Unemployment benefits are not deducted from payroll checks in any of the states. The businesses pays the premiums through payroll taxes to the state, which, in turn, pays the benefits to its recipients.

Does paying out unemployment insurance to a former employee increase the unemployment taxes for the employer?

The employer does not pay to the former employee. The employer pays unemployment taxes to the state he does business in, and the state, in turn, pays the benefits to the unemployed worker. If the employer has a large enough labor turn over, the state will raise his tax percentage payable accordingly.

Do you claim unemployment in the state of the company or your residency?

The state you perform your work in is the "liable state", the state that pays your unemployment benefits. No matter whether you live in the state you work in, or even if the company's headquarters are in another, you get your benefits from where you work.

What state can you file for unemployment in?

You file for unemployment benefits in the state where you work. It's called the "liable state" because it collects payroll taxes from the businesses in that state and in turn pays the benefits to the workers there who have lost their jobs.

Who pays for unemployment insurance in Illinois?

The employer pays a percentage of payroll as unemployment insurance premiums.