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The person who was drunk behind the wheel of a car will have the book thrown at him/her, also will probably have to pay for the rest of their lives in restitution!! No bankrupcy will help in this case either, because it cannot be used in a court. So this drunk will have to pay.

In the UK it is a compulsory requirement for drivers of motor vehicles to be covered for third party liability (Section 143 of the Road Traffic Act (RTA) 1988) Driving a vehicle without third party liability cover is a criminal offence. Almost all claims generated by uninsured drivers are handled by the The Motor Insurers' Bureau, which is funded by a levy on individual motor insurance providers. Some claims are dealt with and settled by the insurance company of the injured party. So in short the law abiding UK motorist pays.

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Q: Who pays when uninsured DUI driver hits pedestrian?
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If a car hits a pedestrian and damages the car who pays?

Depends whose at fault..

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If the insured driver is at fault then most likely his/hers insurance will be responsible. There is a fine line when it comes to a situation like this especially if you live in a no fault state. The only true way to know the answer is to talk to an insurance company/agent.

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The Driver "and" the Vehicle Owner are both jointly and severally liable for all damages. She should contact her Insurance Agent for advice as to whether or not the Auto Insurance Policy will provide coverage for the unlicensed driver

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You are looking for liability only coverage. You should also consider uninsured & underinsured motorist coverage which will supply medical payments if you are injured by an uninsured or underinsured driver.

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The company that has accepted and is handling the uninsured motorist claim.

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If a taxi driver hits you, and its his fault, the cab company's insurance pays.

An insured driver is unknowingly driving an uninsured car and has an accident. The owner of the uninsured car is injured. Who pays for the damages and injuries?

You can check with your own insurance and it will most likely cover your medical costs but I doubt they will pay for the damage to the vehicle. If you wish to get payment from the uninsured auto owner you will have to sue them in civil court. Good luck

You are an insured driver but you were driving and uninsured car and was hit by an uninsured driver so who pays for the damage to the car you were driving?

Who owns the uninsured car? It will depend on your state, but if you were driving a car you own but did not insure you may have to pay for the repairs yourself - and in some states, if you have no insurance on the car you're driving, you may get to repair the other guy's car too even if it was his fault. If it was his fault, some states will require him or his insurance if he has it, to fix your car.

What is UMPD coverage?

Underinsurer or uninsured Property damage coverage pays for damage to your vehicle if another vehicle is at fault for the accident but is uninsured or underinsured.

An insured driver is unknowingly driving an uninsured car and has an accident The owner of the uninsured car is injured Who pays for the uninsured owners injuries?

this is tricky, dependant on the state are driving an uninsured vehicle, you have insurance on another vehicle of your own, you get into an accident that is your fault...the owner of the vehicle is a passenger in the car and is injured...your policy should step in and cover this uninsured vehicle (assuming you have collision coverage on your policy) you chose to drive, (doesn't matter you didn't know it was uninsured) and if your neglience resulted in this passengers injuries your policy will likely pay for their injury subject to any exclusion in the policy.....sorry.....