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Louis Pasteur (1822-1895).

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Q: Who performed extensive research with bacteria and developed the process known a pasteurization?
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What are the 4 major divisions of time?

If you're talking about geological eras, they would be the Precambrian - beginnings of life, mainly ruled by bacteria Paleozoic - most basic body forms evolved like insects, amphibians, etc. Mesozoic - dinosaurs Cenozoic - humans

What did people believe caused disease in the middle ages?

People did not differentiate between disease, infection and illness in the middle ages. They did not know about bacteria and virus. All they new abut was poisons, injury, and curses, any of which could be blamed.

Were medieval towns clean?

Many medieval towns were clean by their standards, which would have meant uncluttered, without foul odors, and so on. The medieval people did not understand anything about bacteria, viruses, and disease vectors, so in some modern senses, the towns were not clean; for example you could not trust the water.

Is it true that serfs could become free if they ran away and lived in towns for more than one year?

In the Middle Ages when there were serfs they didn't have many cities to escape to. These people could leave the lands they were living on because they weren't owned like a slave, but worked like a slave. A city in the Middle Ages wasn't a particularly good place and were very rough to live around. They could be smelled miles away because of the human and animal waste in the streets and waterways. Cholera was always a problem because of the bacteria in the water and in the 1300's the plague that hit cities hard. A serf was mainly a farmer so he would be living on the streets in a city. There were people who did jobs like the rat catchers, the rag and bone pickers, and the men who collected urine to be used in many ways.

What did people in medieval castles eat and drink?

Perhaps the commonest food at a medieval inn was perpetual stew. Food was added every day, along with beer, wine, or water. The the pot was heated every day, and though the people of the time did not realize precisely what the benefit of this was, it killed any bacteria or mold that might want to try growing in the stew. Pots for meaty stews were cleaned out once every year at the beginning of Lent so people would not get meat in a meatless season. Pots for meatless stews and soups did not need to be cleaned for religious reasons, and there was more than one innkeeper who took pride in the fact that he had a soup over a hundred years old.There was lots of bread.Drinks were whatever local beverage was made. This was wine, in countries with vineyards, or cider, or ale. The ale was not seasoned with hops in most parts of Europe, so it had a taste very different from what it has today.Clearly there were other foods available, and these also varied from place to place. Sausages and pickled vegetables would have been among the things served in many places. Seafood was common in fishing towns.Medieval inns were important, as there were many travellers, both merchants and pilgrims. A really good example of description of a meal at an inn is in The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer.

Related questions

________ performed extensive research with bacteria and developed the process known as pasteurization.?

The namesake of pasteurization, Louis Pasteur, did so. The process however was used in China beforehand without modern microbiological knowledge.

Do bacteria play a role in pasteurization?

The purpose of pasteurization is to prevent spoilage by killing all microorganisms, especially bacteria.

Heating a liquid to kill harmful bacteria is called?

Pasteurization. It involves heating the liquid to a specific temperature for a set period to kill harmful bacteria, extending the liquid's shelf life.

Who Louis Pasteur?

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) was a French biochemist. He proved the existence of bacteria, developed the first vaccines and invented pasteurization.

Does pasterilization kill all bacteria?

Pasteurization kills most harmful bacteria, but not all bacteria. Some heat-resistant bacteria and spores may survive the pasteurization process. The goal of pasteurization is to reduce the bacterial load to a safe level for human consumption.

Fermented by harmless bacteria added after pasteurization?

Yogurt and buttermilk are fermented by a harmless bacteria added after pasteurization to prolong their shelf lives.

What is the function of a pasteurization?

to remove bacteria

Who was the process of pasteurization named after?

The process of pasteurization was named after Louis Pasteur, a French scientist who developed the technique in the 19th century. Pasteurization involves heating a liquid to a specific temperature to kill bacteria and other harmful organisms, without significantly altering its taste or nutritional value.

Who developed the method of killing harmful bacteria?

Louis Pasteur, a French chemist and microbiologist, is credited with developing the process known as pasteurization in the 19th century. This method involves heating liquid to kill harmful bacteria and pathogens, primarily used in the preservation of food and beverages like milk.

How do you use pasteurization in a sentence?

They pasteurize milk to kill harmful bacteria and extend its shelf life.

The process of destroying bacteria by heat is known as what?


What is it called to Treat with heat to destroy bacteria?
