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His wife, the Empress Theodora.

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Q: Who persuaded Justinian to stay and defend constantinople?
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Who persuaded Justinian to stay and defend constantnoople?

Justinian was persuaded to stay and defend Constantinople by Theodora, his wife.

Who persuaded judge ford to stay in the game?

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What was the Nika Revolt?

in 532 c.e. at a chariot race many pesants rioted because of justinian arresting some of the racers.

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They have to be able to defend their dominance.

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Judge Ford was persuaded by Sandy McSouthers to stay in the Westing game by revealing important information about her past and personal connection to the other players. This revelation helped Judge Ford see the significance of the game and the impact it could have on her life.

What effect did theodora have on the riots in 532?

Theodora was the wife of 6th century Roman emperor Justinian I. She was instrumental in turning the tide in favor of Justinian during the Nika riots in 532 AD. When as a result of massive riots against him, Justinian and his close aides were preparing to flee, Theodora convinced Justinian to stay put and fight it out. As a result of her speech Justinian sent his army to fight the rioters. His army overcame the rioters and the threat to Justinian's throne was eliminated through sheer courage and determination of Theodora.

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They usually stay in one territory and patrol it and defend it regularly

What effect did theodora have on the riots in ad 532?

Theodora was the wife of 6th century Roman emperor Justinian I. She was instrumental in turning the tide in favor of Justinian during the Nika riots in 532 AD. When as a result of massive riots against him, Justinian and his close aides were preparing to flee, Theodora convinced Justinian to stay put and fight it out. As a result of her speech Justinian sent his army to fight the rioters. His army overcame the rioters and the threat to Justinian's throne was eliminated through sheer courage and determination of Theodora.

Why did judge ford want to drop out who persuaded her to stay?

Judge Ford wanted to drop out because she was feeling overwhelmed by the pressure and emotional toll of the trial. However, her mentor and friend Atticus Finch persuaded her to stay by reminding her of the importance of seeking justice and standing up for what is right, inspiring her to continue fighting for the truth.

How did theodora save the empire?

Theodora was a prostitute and actress who gave up the stage for a more acceptable vocation before meeting Justinian. Justinian's predecessor repealed a law barring members of he royal family to marry actresses to allow the wedding.

Why is belisarius important?

because he was a Byzantine General and he helped Justinian win the Nika revolt rebellion were people threatened to overthrow Justinian he wanted to run away but Theodora his wife told him to stay then they won the Nika revolt.

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By its odor that it lets off to warn others to stay away