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The Aztecs practiced human sacrifice to keep their war god Huitzilopochtli strong.

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Q: Who practiced human sacrifice to appease their war god?
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Who practiced sacrifice to appease their war gods?

The Aztecs practiced human sacrifice to keep their war god Huitzilopochtli strong.

Why was human sacrifice important in Aztec culture?

Human sacrifice was important in Aztec culture as a way to appease the gods and ensure the sun would continue to rise, crops would grow, and society would flourish. It was believed that sacrificing a human life would please the gods and maintain the cosmic balance necessary for the Aztec civilization to thrive. It also served as a form of social control and signaled the power of the ruling elite.

What did the Inca sun god enjoy?

The Inca Sun God enjoy the human sacrifice

Why did the Aztec sacrifice human life?

so they can offer blood and human bodies to their god

Why was God mad at Abraham and Isaac?

If you mean why did God ask Abraham to sacrifice Isaac then the answer is that He was not angry with either of them. We don't know specifically from the Bible text why God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son but we do know that Abraham does not even question the request. If we read carefully however we see that Abraham likely trusted that God would save Isaac somehow and his faith was rewarded when God provides an animal for the sacrifice instead. Some scholars believe that Abraham was asked to sacrifice Isaac as a test of his faith but others believe that the entire incident was a powerfully moving demonstration of God's desire that human sacrifice not be performed to honour Him. Many of the surrounding nations practiced child sacrifice and here God makes very clear the fact that that is not what He desires from his people.

What did Eurylochus says to persuade Odysseus' men to slaughter and eat the cattle of Helios the sun god?

It is better to be killed by the gods then to die of starvation. Furthermore, they can sacrifice some of the cattle to appease the gods.

What did the sun god enjoy according to the Inca?

The Incans believed that the sun god enjoyed human sacrifice and blood shed.

How did the Aztecs thank there god?

The Aztecs did human sacrifice and gave their gods gifts to please them.

Did the Aztecs participate in human sacrifice and why?

Yes, they would murder people and take their hearts out to sacrifice to their Gods. People wanted to take part of this human sacrifice because they belived they would become part of the the sun (their god)

Do Muslims sacrifice humans?

Never Ever. Mankind is honored by God in the Qur'an and a Muslim will never sacrifice any human. Human sacrifices are abhorred by all three Monotheistic religions.

Who was hutzilopochtli?

Hutzilopochtli was a god of war, sun, human sacrifice and the patron of the city of Tenochtitlan. He was also the national god of the Mexicas of Tenochtitlan.

What is sacrifice Noah made for God?

Noah sacrificed clean birds and animals to god.