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Don't remember her name. She was an astrologist in Austria. She prophesied Hitler's death and the war.

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Q: Who prophesized world war 2 including the mysterious deathof Hitler?
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Who prophesized World War 2 including the mysterious death of Hitler?

Prophecies of WW2Many believe nobody made such a prediction. Nostradamus is credited with many predictions, W.W.2 being amongst them, but many of his "predictions" are very ambiguous. World War 2 as a general idea of a world conflict could have easily been predicted, but the exact time and causation would not.Hitler's death was not mysterious in any way. Historians now know enough about what happened to him in his last hours from accounts of witnesses and evidence left behind.

What is Hitler's doctor famous for?

The massive injections that he prepared for Hitler including Meth and other drugs.

Who was Hitler's right hand man?

Hitler had a couple of secretaries, including Traudl Junge, Christa Schroeder, and Martin Borrmann.

Was Adolf Hitler the leader of American forces in France?

No, Adolph Hitler was the German chancellor. The allies (including the Americans) were fighting the Germans.

Jews lost what after Hitler took over?

Everything. Including their lives.

What alliance was Adolf Hitler in?

The Axis alliance, including Italy, and eventually Japan

Did Adolph Hitler marry 2 times?

Hitler was married 3 times. including Eva Braun before he killed himself.

How would you describe Neville Chamberlain's policy towards Hitler in the late 1930s?

giving Hitler everything he wanted including checkloslovokia at the munich agreeement AKA Hitler wanted to rule the world.

How many people joined Hitler in his killing?

It would be difficult to say exactly but there were thousands of people, including soldiers and ordinary people, who joined Hitler in his killing.

Why did Hitler hate poor people?

I don't think he liked anyone including himself.

Could America have produced a Hitler?

Well, looking back it is difficult to believe that a sophisticated, democratic country like Germany produced a Hitler, so that shows that it is possible for any country, including America, to produce a Hitler.

Did Hitler kill whole families?

Hitler killed entire towns, including whole families. No one was safe from the nazis, remember over 6 million died.