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Q: Who proposed the idea of inheritance of acquitted characteristics?
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What is Gregor Mendel contribution?

He paved the road to the study of heredity or inheritance. He discovered how inheritance occurs and how traits are expressed through alleles and he proposed the idea of dominant and recessive alleles.

What did Jean-Baptiste de Lamarack contribute to the theory of evolution?

Lamarck proposed that organisms change over time based on needs through "use and disuse". He believed in inheritance of acquired characteristics. Though this is an inaccurate idea, Lamarck was ahead of his time in that he understood adaptation was key to evolution in some way.

Who was the scientist who proposed the idea of continental drift?

Alfred Wegener proposed the idea of continental drift in 1915

What was Alfred wegeners accomplishments?

He proposed the idea of continental dift, which is very cool!

What role does the chromosomes play in inheritance?

I have no idea sorry!

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Albert Einstein proposed the idea the light exists of quanta of energy that he called photons.

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Jean-Baptiste Lamarck proposed that organisms?

an organism can pass on characteristics that it acquired during its lifetime to its offspring. He was also an early proponent of the idea that evolution occurred and proceeded in accordance with natural laws.

How can you use the concept of genetic inheritance to disprove Lamark's idea of the inheritance of acquired characteristics?

Lamarck's theory is disproved through many different examples of acquired characteristics. Anything that happens to a parent would be passed on to the offspring. Acoording to Lamarck, a parent that has tattoos would pass on the tattoos to the offspring. Loss of limb, injuries, cosmetic surgery or anything that changed in the parents would manifest in the offspring. This is not the case. Acquired characteristics are not passed on to offspring unless they change the gene sequence of the sex cells. Parents do not give physical characteristics to offspring, but do give the coding for those characteristics. The gene passes on the trait.

Scientist who proposed the idea of a nucleus?

Ernest Rutherford

Who was the scientist who proposed the idea of a nucleus?

Edwin Nucleus

Who proposed the idea of the big bang?

Georges Lemaitre