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It was said in Striking Distance by Bruce Willis and John Mahoney.

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Q: Who said loyalty above all else except honor?
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How do you translate Loyalty Above All Else Except Honor into French?

Fidélitás suprá omnis means loyalty above all in Latin

What is the origin of Loyalty above all else except honor?

There is not a specific person who originated this quote or phrase. It is something that has been said throughout time and even incorporate as phrasing for military personnel as part of their creed.

What are 'Loyalty' 'Honor' 'Respect' and 'Pride' in Italian?

LealtÃ? is an Italian equivalent of 'loyalty', and is pronounced 'leh-ahl-TAH'. Onore means 'honor', and is pronounced 'oh-NOH-reh'. Rispetto means 'respect', and is pronounced 'ree-SPEHT-toh'. Fierezza is 'pride', and is pronounced 'fyeh-REHTS-tsah'.

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Loyalty to the state above all else. tl;dr: nationalism.

How do you translate Loyalty Above All Else in French?

Translation: La fidelité avant tout

What did Bushido require of a samurai?

From Bushido: The code of conduct followed by Japan's samurai warriors. The principles of bushido emphasized honor, courage, and loyalty to a warrior's master above all else. The ideal samurai warrior was supposed to be immune from the fear of death. Only the fear of dishonor, and loyalty to his daimyo, motivated the true samurai.

How do you translate love is loyal into Latin?

'Loyalty above all else except honor' is translated in Latin to Fides supra omnes nisi honestas.

What was david barkleys quote?

David Barkley's quote is "Loyalty to country always. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it." This highlights the importance of loyalty to one's nation above all else, while also emphasizing the need for government to earn and maintain the trust and loyalty of its citizens.

What is a sentence with the words above all?

"When editing a question about grammar usage, above all else, be sure not to include grammatical errors in the question." "Above all, we can't surrender to terrorism." "The military academy stressed personal integrity and honor above all."

Have Sunnis always put loyalty to the community of Islam above all else?

Answer 1Yes, the Sunnis have always put the loyalty to the community of Islam above any other thing.Answer 2No. Sunnis have often gone to war with one another throughout Islamic history. The Taifas in Spain, the wars between the Almoravids, Wattassids, and Almohads in Morocco, etc. are Sunni-Sunni conflicts.

What does honor with unanimity mean?

Honour also spelt as honor in the United States means high respect or great respect that is shown to something that merits it. It can also mean some ones reputation or good name. Honour means also a cause or source of credit, something or someone that brings honour to something else. It can refer to a token, mark or respectful gesture. In terms of education and the military it can refer to something awarded, like a honourary degree or a military award. Honour also refers to integrity and principled uprightness of character. In this sense it forms the motto of several policing agencies of America "Loyalty above all else, except honour". With respect to women honour takes on the meaning of virtue and chastity. ANDREAS .T. long middle cec 10/14/07 bad things will happen but good things will overcome Honour also spelt as honor in the United States means high respect or great respect that is shown to something that merits it. It can also mean some ones reputation or good name. Honour means also a cause or source of credit, something or someone that brings honour to something else. It can refer to a token, mark or respectful gesture. In terms of education and the military it can refer to something awarded, like a honourary degree or a military award. Honour also refers to integrity and principled uprightness of character. In this sense it forms the motto of several policing agencies of America "Loyalty above all else, except honour". With respect to women honour takes on the meaning of virtue and chastity.

When was Morality Above All Else created?

Morality Above All Else was created in 1937.