

Bruce Willis

Bruce Willis is an American actor and producer who is ranked as the 7th highest grossing actor in a leading role.

188 Questions

Is The Sixth Sense scary?

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"The Sixth Sense" is considered a horror-thriller movie with some frightening and suspenseful moments, but the level of scariness can vary for different people depending on their tolerance for suspense and supernatural elements. The film is more known for its twist ending and psychological elements rather than jump scares or intense horror scenes.

How old is Scout Willis?

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Scout Willis was born on July 20, 1991, so she is currently 30 years old.

What is Bruce Willis known for?

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Bruce Willis' agruably most role throughout his career is John McClane from the Die Hard franchise. * Die Hard (1988) * Die Hard 2: Die Harder (1990) * Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995) * Live Free or Die Hard (2007)

What is Bruce willis's real name?

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Bruce Willis is an actor. He played in the recent movie RED (Retired Extremely Dangerous) and Sixth Sense.

What is Bruce Willis' height and weight?

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To be honest, I'd be surprised if he's over 5'8". I've heard people who've met him and are close to six feet tall, and they've reported that they dwarfed him. As for weight, I'd guess in his tweties he probably weighed in at around 145, nowadays about 165.

Who killed Tutankhamun?

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Scientist recently discovered that Malaria killed him, Or in other words, A mosquito bite. But there not completely sure where it bit him at, Because during the mummification process They cover the body in a honey like substance, There for causing stickiness's. So you choose, Does a 5000 year old process beat 21st century technology?

What was Bruce Willis' character in The Sixth Sense-- while he was still alive?

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Bruce Willis's character in the Sixth Sense was a psychologist.

Bruce Willis played an oil driller named Harry Stamper in Armageddon?

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Played by Bruce Willis, Harry Stamper is known for his hard, tough, leathered, and conservative personality. He shows an immense amount of courage and 'no-quit' attitude on the asteroid; Dotty. His character gives off the final vibe of a true hero as he sacrifices his life for all of humanity, by being the one to hand detonate the nuclear bomb.

Did Bruce Willis star in the film the Planet of the Apes?

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The film stars Charlton Heston and features Roddy McDowall, Kim Hunter, Maurice Evans, James Whitmore, James Daly and Linda Harrison .

Who is the girl in the new Bruce Willis Sky Broadband advert?

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The Girl in the advert is not Ivica Slavikova. Her name is in fact Jess Ransom. The First clue that it isn't someone from Slovakia is her accent in the Advert.

Check Google images for the truth :)

What is the brand of Bruce Willis' sunglasses in the film Bonfire of the Vanities?

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You can find the excat glasses on in the handmade RVS BY V section. Contact for any questions.

What movie did Bruce Willis died in?

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"The Sixth Sense" and "Unbreakable"

Who has been in more movies Bruce Willis or Samuel L. Jackson?

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1) Loaded Weapon 1 (1993) [Willis cameo] 2) Pulp Fiction (1994) 3) Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) 4) Unbreakable (2001)

What is the name of the character Bruce Willis plays for a few episodes in friends?

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He was Paul Stevens, the protective father of Ross's very young girlfriend. He does not like Ross but tolerates him because he dates Rachel. Eventually he leaves after he becomes too emotional for Rachel.

Bruce Willis networth?

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About 150 million a year

What is Bruce Willis' favorite music?

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Each time that Bruce returns to southern New Jersey (where his father still lives), he goes to the Roman Pantry and buys a couple of cheesesteaks. He claims these are the best in the world!!