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It is a saying (hadith) of prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

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Q: Who said the quote follow the five pillars of Islam?
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Why are the 5 pillars of Islam important?

The five pillars of Islam are the basis of Islam religion. Denying any of these pillars intentionally expells the Muslim from Islam. That is why it is important for any Muslim to follow these five five pillars very closely. Refer to question below for more information.

How make Islam?

You say this phrase in arabic. Then you have to follow the five pillars.

What are the five pillars made of?

They are five pillars of Islam faith. They are not materialistic pillars as the building pillars. These pillars of Islam are referred to in question below.

What are the central beliefs of Islam and how are they reflected in the Five Pillars McInerney 2003?

The Muslims have to follow the rules of the Qur'an and the five pillars were taken out of it and are metaphoricly (they aren't really pillars) used as rules. Muslims must follow the Qur'an.

Are the five pillars of islam still around?

Yes, Muslims still believe in the Five Pillars.Did you understand that these are metaphorical pillars, i.e. the foundational ideas on which Islam is built? They are not real pillars that stand in a particular location that you could go and visit. Sorry, but the "pillars" in that sense never existed._______________________________________________________________Yes, Muslims still follow the five pillars of Islam. Denying any of these five pillars intentionally and knowingly by any Muslim expels him/her from Islam faith. Refer to related question below.

Why are pillars important?

There are five pillars in Islam. The pillars are important because they are basics and the basis of Islam.

What is the Islam name for the five pillars of Islam?

The Five Pillars of Islam . Refer to question below.

Why do muslims follow the 5 pillars?

Because the five Islam pillars are the basis of Islam religion. The five pillars represent the basic practices for any Muslim. Denying any of these pillars intentionally and knowingly by any Muslam brings him/her out of Islam. Refer to question below for more details.

What are the rules called in Islam?

probably thinking of the Caph system

What are the five pillars of Islam used for?

The five pillars of Islam are Sahahadah, salat, Sawn, Zakat, and Hajj. For information on those Islam pillars refer to the questions and the link listed below.The Five Pillars of Islam are aspects of faith and worship that are central to the practice of the religion.

What are the pillars of Islam?

They are five Islam pillars and not three. Refer to related question below.

Where is the 5 pllars off Islam?

The five pillars of Islam arent real. They are called the five pillars of Islam because it represents Islam for example , Islam is the roof and you need pillars to keep the roof up and without the pillars the roof will fall. So this symbolizes without one of the pillars you aren't in Islam