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In the first few dozen lines of the Aeneid Vergil reminds us that Fate has decreed that Aeneas will travel to Italy and found a city which will eventually give rise to Rome.

progeniem sed enim troiano a sanguine duci

audierat, tyrias olim quae verteret arces;

hinc populum late regem belloque superbum

venturum excidio libyae: sic volvere parcas.

(but she had heard that a race was rising from Trojan blood which would one day topple Carthage' citadel; that from this race would arise a boundless kingdom, proud warriors who would one day undo Africa - that was how destiny worked).

Juno doesn't like this idea, nor does Aeneas (not when he is with Dido). But you have to accept your destiny - that is the message of this poem.

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Q: Who seems to be more in control of the events in Virgil's The Aeneid the gods and goddesses or the human characters?
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