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Treaty of Versailles and 1921 London Schedule of Payments set 132 billion marks as reparation for war to be paid by Germany for civilian loss. Germany actually had to pay only 50 billion of this sum and the remaining was not to be paid by Germany. Allied forces tried to deceive Anglo-French public by showing them that Germany was penalized heavily for its acts of aggression.

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Q: Who set the sum of 132 billion marks for German reparations in April 1921?
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How much did germany have to pay in reparations for ww1?

If the original scheme had survived unaltered Germany would have had to pay reparations till the 1980s. However, the reparations debt was rearranged and rescheduled twice in the 1920s; then the Great Depression made all this ineffective. In 1931(?) reparations were fixed at a low level for the duration of the depression. In 1933, when Hitler came to power, Germany ceased to pay reparations altogether.

Germans paid 132 billion marks. what are marks?

the German currency until it's downfall due to hyperinflation in the autumn of 1923.

How much did the German government fine Jews for Kristallnacht?

The Jewish population was fined one billion marks for the slaying of Vom Rath. Then six million marks from insurance claims were taken from the Jews as well.

Is the name Marks a German name?

Yes, the name Marks IS a German name.

What is the inflation rate in Germany?

Due to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany had to pay reparations to France, Belgium and Britain (£6.6 billion). The reparations were due to start in 1921. French and Belgium troops invaded the Ruhr in response to the German Government failure to pay the reparations they owed. Germans workers were then forces to go on strike in the Ruhr but continued to get paid. The German Government printed more money to pay the German workers and to pay the reparations they owed the other countries. Then the workers on strike got more money that they could buy things from the shop. As they spent more money in shops they shop keepers put their prices up. The German Government carried on printing money so the shopkeepers raised their prices again. Then prices were inflating do fast that it was known as hyperinflation. By November 1923 a loaf of bread cost around 20 million marks.

How much is 100 dollars in German marks?

German marks are no longer legal tender, as of 2002. Germany uses the Euro now. German marks have only a numismatic value.

What is the value of 1991 deutsche marks?

1,991 German marks

What car costs the most?

the cheese carit could be the BMW 850 which did cost 1.5 billion German Marks to develop, which is about 750 million Euros

Was the Treaty of Versailles written to destroy Germany's power?

It destroyed their economy by the reparations, military restrictions and the land lost. The total cost of these reparations was assessed at 132 billion marks ($31.5 billion, £6,600 million) in 1921, which inflation adjusted, is roughly equivalent to $400 billion US Dollars as of 2007. This was a sum that many economists deemed to be excessive because it would have taken Germany until 1988 to pay. The Treaty was undermined by subsequent events starting as early as 1932 and was widely flouted by the mid-1930s.It slow down the economic development of Germany .

How successful were the French attempts to make Germany pay respirations?

Er.. Do you mean REPARATIONS?They had to pay 6.6 billion british pounds (132000million gold marks) with 2000million marks a year and 26%of all German Exports (mainly from the Ruhr).It has been argued that, among other factors, this was a cause of the second world war, because of german grudges. in fairness, i would have been gruding towards britain and france because that reparation amount destroyed germany, turned her citizens hungry and dying.More Information: Germany in fact only managed to pay one full instalment under the policy of fulfilment. After this, a number of factors led to an inability to repay the next payment which led to the French occupation of the Ruhr. This occupation led to the policy of passive resistance and practically halted German resource reparations and detracted from their ability to repay monetary compensation. After this, hyperinflation occurred as the Germans tried to print off more money to repay the French and eventually the Dawes plan was introduced (1000million marks/year until 1929, when it would increase to 2500million/year ) to minimise German reparations to enable them to be able to pay off debts more realistically. This was maintained through the Great Depression and until Hitler's rise to power on the 30th January 1933In reality, the main role the French played in making Germans pay was through maintaining its position in the Rhineland, the occupation of the Ruhr, Pressure placed on allies in the Genoa conference (insisted Germans should pay in full) and participation in the Dawes plan to maintain reparations. -- and to answer your question, the french were quite successful until the dawes plan and further in the locarno treaty and great depression as well as Hitlers removal of reparations.

What used to be the currency in Germany?

German marks

When was Flynn Marks born?

Flynn Marks was born on April 8, 1999.