

Who developed technology?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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8y ago

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Technology began on Jun 26 in the year 330,123 BCE when Gronk Gronkus took a stone and chipped another stone into a spear-point.

there isn't really one person who started technology. everyone participates in the development of technology. from skates to computers. technology is up to us. In the misty dawn of time, before there was recorded history, there was a tribe of hunter gatherers who roamed the Earth. They were banded together to feed themselves obviously, but it was a hard and arduous existence. There were times when the berries were not ripe nor the hunting plentiful, and many days there was nothing to eat. Some of the tribe accepted this difficult existence as "just the way things are", but a couple of people were not happy with the situation. Hm was one such individual. As a child, he had noticed that the rocks and stones his tribe used were dreadfully inefficient against the larger beasts in his tribal hunting grounds. The method of beating the beast to death after it had been wounded by the stoning took massive amounts of manpower just to feed the tribe. In some cases prey had to be enticed under a cliff so members of the tribe could roll huge stones down upon the beast and tribe members were often hurt or worse. In his opinion, this took away from the more interesting pastime of sleeping..another dangerous occupation, but one in which he was inordinately fond of doing. One day, quite by accident, Hm found a rock that slightly long and was pointed at one end. It was lightweight and not heavy like most hunting rocks. He threw the rock "away"...but it stuck, point forward, in a tree. Intrigued, he pulled the rock out of the tree and examined it. It was still a rock, but it was shaped in such a way that it would fly straight and true to a target. Hm tested his hypothesis many times with various targets in the area, one of them being a small unwary creature. To his surprise, the creature immediately fell dead with the rock still intact. Ever the conservationist, he munched on the creature while he contemplated his new found rock. Noticing that the rock was a handy size, he experimented with the best throwing method to efficiently use it. Hm found that the rock would throw straight without noticeable variation which was a huge improvement over the ordinary rocks in the vicinity. Having seen that the rock would pierce creatures and kill them with comparatively little effort was a revelation. Ever the opportunist, Hm immediately mounted a solitary hunting expedition to see if he could kill more creatures with this wonderful rock. He soon found that even medium sized creatures could be killed with the rock and, gathering up several creatures that he had killed, he made his way back to camp. Hm was met with cries of joy because the tribe had not had great success in finding sustenance that day. They immediately fell to consuming the creatures that he had killed, and in the course of eating, they started to wonder how one man could bring such bounty to the tribe. Knowing that there were always bigger, stronger tribesmen and that they would simply take his rock, Hm casually dropped his new found discovery in the vicinity of other rocks. He quickly told a tale of special rocks that had stunned the creatures and then he broke the necks of them...a common technique for hunting at the time. No one noticed that he had brought this rock back and his secret was safe for the moment. Early the next day, he palmed the rock on his way out of the camp. Ever a thinker, he soon began to worry that his rock would be lost forever if he threw it too far. Such a marvelous weapon would be a grievous loss should he not retrieve it in the excitement of the kill. This thought led him to examine the rock again. The dark rock was different than other stones in the area, and it was not of a size that others in the tribe would use for hunting. Having seen that this rock was deadly, it occurred to him to look for others of its size and shape. He discovered a small outcropping of stone that the rock had fallen from and, looking about, figured out that other pieces of this rock might have the same use as his original one. Picking up one of similar size and shape, he found that this rock did not fly as true as his first one. He was casting about for another rock to match his previous find and dropped the first one. A chip fell from it as he dropped it on another rock. Picking it up, he threw it and found out that this time, the rock had the same properties as his hunting tool of the day before. The chip had made all the difference in the trajectory! This was such an interesting discovery that he stopped and thought about it. Having never seen a rock simply chip without breaking in half, Hm became intrigued with the possibility of actually shaping rocks to suit his purpose. Gathering a few of the dark rocks, he retreated to a safe place to experiment with these strange stones. He knocked two of them together, and a chip fell from one of them. Since this could be done to the rocks and almost anywhere he wanted , he decided that it was important to conserve the dark rocks and use another type of stone to shape the dark stuff to his purposes. Soon he had chipped away enough of a new rock to make it do what he wanted. Ever the practical hunter, Hm went further afield and once again killed several creatures with his pointed rocks. This time it was easier to do as he had three very efficient weapons. The time saving was enormous! He didn't have to work as hard to kill the animals and retrieving the rocks was a relatively simple task. As he retrieved his rocks, one of them made a tear in the animal's hide. Hm didn't especially notice the difference in the animals hide at the time, but later he would figure out that these throwing weapons could also be used as a cutting tool. The first implement had been crafted, thus creating technology. Hm's tribe became better fed, and became the most prosperous tribe in the land. Today we pay homage to Hm every time we ponder a new problem. His name is always on our lips and it all began when he first found a more efficient way to feed himself. Hmmmmm....

Bologna History:

The Lighter Side of History

(Which means some historical fact and a whole lot of bologna)

Technology is a political party started in they United States of America in 1799 by Fergus P Mudderovinvenshun, who was the son of of Saumel Mudderovinvenshun and Victoira Mudderovinvenshun nee Nessesity. The Technology party, also known as the Technocrats, believed in a progressive, or rather an inventive way of government that would allow for the creation and passage of new laws. The party ultimately failed as one by one, these inventive laws were struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. By 1812, while America was deeply embroiled in war, the Technocrats finally disbanded discouraged by their own failure.

Editors note: The Society of Uptight and Really, Really, Serious Historians, (S.U.R.R.S.H.), denies any historical accuracy to this claim and demands either a recantation of such nonsense or at the very least an attempt at some sort of historical accuracy. ] Oh, all right, fine. The history of science and technology, a field of history that attempts to study how the people of the world have come to understand the world, which would be science, and how they learned to manipulate mother nature, which would be technology. The history of technology is the history of tool making and techniques that better manipulate the environment around us. It is a matter of debate and since the wheel was first invented as far back as 4000 years ago with no recorded account of exactly who invented the wheel, as to who actually started technology. Furthermore, while some would conclude that the wheel might be the very first form of technology others believe that it was the ability to harness and control energy. It is accepted that the ability to make fire was invented long before the invention of the wheel. Thus, the ability to make fire very well be the beginnings of technology but as to who invented this necessary and useful technology is unknown to historians as this invention was made by someone who lived in prehistoric times.

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8y ago

Scientists and engineers develop technology.

Technology is pretty much any advancement of objects we use, from the physical to the electronic. Advancements in science have occurred since before the beginnings of human civilization.

The first technologies were developed by our prehuman ancestors long before there were any humans.

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7y ago

Our long ago prehuman ancestors well over a million years ago. Probably even earlier and perhaps multiple independent times as chimpanzees use simple technologies as well as certain species of birds (e.g. ravens).

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