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Romans, Angles, Saxons, Vikings, Normans.

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Q: Who successfully invaded and settled England?
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Who successfully invaded England and took control of the English crown?

William, Duke of Normandy, in October 1066

Why did the Celts settle in Wales and Scotland?

They settled in all of Great Britain but England was later invaded by other races.

Who invaded and settled in Britian a long time ago-?

The Viking people invaded and settled in Britain a long time ago.

Why was England afraid of invasion at the end of the 19th century?

Other equally powerful countries had been attacked and defeated

Who settled in England the Celts or the Normans?

The Celts or Britons were the people who lived in Britain before the Normans, Anglo-Saxons or Romans invaded; and they are still there.

When was England Invaded created?

England Invaded was created in 1977.

Who invaded and settled in Britain?

Julias caeser

What did the french do to make he British not like them?

The Norman conquest. The French successfully invaded England. Not all british people dislike the French, I assure you it's just a stereotype.

What was the primary purpose of the French language in England during the Norman conquest?

Normans had settled in France and spoke French by the time they invaded England, some generations later. The purpose of using French was to allow them to communicate.

Who was the Normans leader?

William "The Conqueror" led an invasion of England by the Normans, the Saxon tribes that were settled in Normandy, in what is nowadays France. Normandy was part of the Saxon realm of England at that time. The invasion was against King Harold 1 and was successful. It was the last time England was successfully invaded and occupied. The reason given by William in invading his fellow Saxons was the previous king, Canute 1, had bequeathed the throne to him, but this was ignored by Harold.

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Why was England afraid of invasion at the end of the century?

Germany had just successfully invaded France(for apex btw