

Who takes Juliet to the tomb?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Pallbearers, as you might expect.

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Q: Who takes Juliet to the tomb?
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Why has count Paris come to the tomb of Juliet?

He come to juliet tomb to mourn her death.

How do the bodies of Paris and Juliet all end up in the Capulet's tomb?

Juliet pretends to be dead by taking a potion that makes her appear lifeless. Romeo, believing she is truly dead, takes his own life next to her in the Capulet's tomb. Juliet awakens to find Romeo dead and then takes her own life with his dagger.

Who is body is next to Juliet tomb?

The body next to Juliet's tomb is that of Romeo, who appears to have taken his own life out of grief for Juliet's apparent death.

Why did romeo lay Paris in the Capulet tomb?

After Romeo injured Paris. Paris told him "Lay me in the tomb with Juliet". Romeo agrees and put him in the tomb with Juliet.

Where will Juliet go when she wakes from drinking the potion in romeo and Juliet?

Juliet will wake up in the Capulet family tomb, where Romeo and the friar are planning for her to escape to be with him. However, due to a miscommunication, Romeo believes Juliet is dead and ultimately takes his own life.

Whose body lies in the tomb the whole time Juliet is there?

Romeo's body lies in the tomb the entire time Juliet is there in Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet."

Who does romeo kill outside Juliet's tomb?

Romeo kills Paris outside Juliet's tomb when he mistakenly believes Paris is there to harm Juliet's resting place.

Who is the first person to arrive at Juliet tomb?

The first person to arrive at Juliet's tomb in William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet" is Friar Laurence, who goes to retrieve Juliet after she has taken a potion to fake her death.

What does Romeo plan to do with the poison in Romeo and Juliet?

he takes it himself, to commit suicide because he thought juliette was dead

Why does friar Lawrence leave the tomb without Juliet?

Juliet refused to go.

How did Romeo know Juliet was in the tomb?

Balthazar tells him about Juliet's death and burial.

Romeo and Juliet .What happens the day of Juliet's wedding?

On the day of Juliet's wedding to Paris, she takes a potion given to her by Friar Laurence to make her appear dead and avoid the marriage. When her family finds her seemingly lifeless, they grieve and lay her in the family tomb.