

Who taught the Indians to plant corn?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: Who taught the Indians to plant corn?
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Who tought the pilgrims to plant corn?

Indians taught pilgrims how to plant corn.

What did Indians teach pilgrims to do?

They taught them how and where to plant corn, the best places to fish, and other useful information they needed to know and learn.

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Basically it was the pueblo Indians they taught the Navajos how to plant corn, beans, squash, and melons.

How did Squanto plant corn?

Squanto planted corn with in mounds with small fish as fertilizer, and he taught the Plymouth colonists to do the same thing. how did squanto help the Indians survive?how did squanto help the Indians survive?

Who taught the pilgrimes how to plant corn?


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beans and corn

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Pueblo Indians planted corn, beans, cotton and sunflowers

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Mojave Indians grew pumpkins, corn , beans , and potatoes.

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What valuable information did the Native Americans give the colonists?

Squanto told the Pilgrims how to plant corn, squash, and beans. Other Indians taught the colonists about tobacco. Some served as guides and translators.

What valuable information did the native Americans give the colonist?

Squanto told the Pilgrims how to plant corn, squash, and beans. Other Indians taught the colonists about tobacco. Some served as guides and translators.

What Indian showed the colonists at Plymouth how to plan corn?

The Indians that showed the colonists at Plymouth how to plant corn were the Wampanoag.