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The Indians that showed the colonists at Plymouth how to plant corn were the Wampanoag.

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Q: What Indian showed the colonists at Plymouth how to plan corn?
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How did the American Indians help the Plymouth colonists survive?

Squanto and Samoset befriended the colonists, and showed the Pilgrims how to grow corn, beans, pumpkins, and where to hunt and fish. They helped the Pilgrims make a treaty with the Wampanoag people.

Who was squanto and what did squanto do?

Squanto was a Native American who helped the English colonists in Massachusetts develop agricultural techniques and served as an interpreter between the colonists and the Wampanoag. He taught the English how to plant and find food. Also to hunt. He was one of the few who spoke English. The corn was very important to the Americans survival.

How colonists planted corn?

The American Indian had to show the colonists how to plant these New World foods. Corn was planted in hills with pumpkins vines between the hills and beans climbing the stalks. Without this help from the natives, more colonists would have died in this new land.

How did Squanto plant corn?

Squanto planted corn with in mounds with small fish as fertilizer, and he taught the Plymouth colonists to do the same thing. how did squanto help the Indians survive?how did squanto help the Indians survive?

Were the pilgrims familiar with corn before landing on Plymouth?

No Corn or Maize as its referred to in most of the world was native to the Americas and wasn't brought to Europe and Asia until the 15th and 16th centuries.Based on William Bradford's account in "Of Plymouth Plantation", it seems clear that the settlers at Plymouth had heard of "Indian corn", as they recognized it when they saw it, but they had never seen it before.

What foods did the pilgrims eat?

The colonists at Plymouth had fish and shellfish, venison, ducks and wild turkeys. Vegetables included cabbage, beans, onion and squash. Their first wheat crop (in 1621) failed, so they did not have bread. "Indian corn" was ground into a porridge and cooked; some of it may have been made into flatbread. Early on, all cooking was done over open fires, as they did not have ovens.

What crops did the colonists in Plymouth grow?

The Puritans grew crops such as corn, beans, and squash. The land was not very good for growing things but the did try to plant gardens to help feed themselves.

What did Squanto the Indian show the pilgrims how to do in order to survive?

Squanto taught the Pilgrims how to plant corn, where to fish, and how to hunt for food. He also helped them build relations with local Native American tribes for trade and protection.

What makes Indian corn different from regular corn on the cob?

Originally, the term "Indian corn" referred to all varieties of maize discovered in the New World. This was later shortened to "corn". Now, "Indian corn" is used to refer to the multi-colored maize. Also, corn on the cob is usually the sweet corn variety. So, the difference is that the corn on the cob will taste sweeter and the Indian corn will come in multiple colors.

What plants did the Plymouth colony plant?

Plymouth planted corn after they had stolen it from the native americans, of course after Thanksgiving.

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