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In many countries, The Church was exempt from taxes. Part of Henry VIII's break with the church came over church revenues.

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Q: Who taxed clergy in medieval times?
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Who are The common in Medieval Times?

The "common" people was everyone who wasn't clergy or noble and that was about 90% of the population.

What is 2 roles of a Clergy in medieval times?

The two parts were secular clergy, who lived like any of us, and interacted with people on a regular basis. And the Regular Clergy, who was made up of monks and nuns! === ===

Who were the most important people in medieval times?

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Who had power over a clergy?

Usually there is a hierarchy within the clergy itself for governance. Ultimately, it is the people who support the denomination or sect that have the power. In medieval times in Europe, it was common for the King/Queen to have final authority over the clergy.

Who where the members of medieval queen family?

There were many people in a royal family in medieval times. These were the king, queen, prince, princess, queen mother, regent, clergy, nobility, and tradesmen and merchants.

What did clergy do for fun who entartained them in medieval times?

In medieval times, clergy members would entertain themselves by reading, praying, singing, playing musical instruments, and engaging in academic pursuits such as writing and studying theology. They were also entertained by the performances of traveling minstrels or troubadours who would sing, dance, and tell stories. Additionally, clergy members would often participate in religious festivals and feasts that provided a sense of community and celebration.

Why was clergy so important in the lives of the medieval people?

The clergy could administer the sacraments, so everyone who hoped to gain salvation depended on clergy to help them.

What role did Christianity play in Medieval Times?

There was only the Catholic church and they ruled the government and society.

Which is the most important patrons of the art during medieval period?

The Clergy

Who got taxed in the French Revolution?

everyone got taxed except for the aristocracy (the nobility). The clergy sometimes could get out of having to pay taxes as well. The peasants had no way around it.

How did eighteenth-century French society differ from medieval French society?

During the eighteenth century, the French people were split up into three groups; the clergy, noblemen, and peasents, but during the medieval times of France, there were two social groups of people, the smart and the dumb.

What were dinosaurs like in medieval times?

There were no dinosaurs in medieval times.