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Q: Who thought the nullification ordinance was an act of treason and in 1833 asked congress to pass force bill?
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Who thought the nullification ordinance was an act of treason and in 1833 asked congress?

John C Calhoun

How did President Jackson ease the Nullification Crisis?

Jackson immediately offered his thought that nullification was tantamount to treason and quickly dispatched ships to Charleston harbor and began strengthening federal fortifications there. Congress supported the president and passed a Force Bill in 1833 which authorized Jackson to use soldiers to enforce the tariff measures.

Who decides what punishment you can get for treason?

Congress determines the punishment for those that have committed treason. All that is needed for proof of treason is two witnesses that saw the accused commit that which they are being tried for. There may be more information in the constitution on this matter under Article 3 Section 3.

Does the president determine the punishment for treason?

No, congress determines the punishment for treason

Can you be convicted of treason for what you think?

No. Treason is an act, not a thought.

How did Jackson feel about nullification?

Andrew Jackson did not support nullification and he responded in a strong manner warning against it. He actually stated those who would propagate it would be held liable for treason.

What government institution defines the punishment for treason?

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason

Who did not favor nullification?

President Andrew Jackson is the one person who did not favor nullification. He actually warned those who were pushing for it that they would be charged with treason and will send army troops on any state that will contravene the law.

Which president of the Continental Congress was wanted for treason?

John Hancock

Does congress have the power to say what punishment is to be given for treason?


How is treason punishment?

The congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the life of the Person attainted.

Who declares the punishment for treason?

the congress { aw-cee-aw} XD