

Who told mary that god wanted her to be jesus' mother?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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The Archangel Gabriel.

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Q: Who told mary that god wanted her to be jesus' mother?
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Mary Magdalene, along with other women who included Joanna, Salome, and Mary, the mother of Jesus.

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A:The synoptic gospels make it clear that those of Jesus' acquaintance, including his mother Mary, looked from afar off. Neither Mary nor any disciple or friend of Jesus at his crucifixion.John's Gospel says that the 'disciple whom Jesus loved', alone of the disciples, stood at the foot of the cross with Mary, mother of Jesus. In this gospel, Jesus told the beloved disciple to look after Mary like his own mother.

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John 2:5 - His mother said to the servants, "Whatever He says to you, do it." [NKJV]

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Jesus said this while hanging on the cross before he died, outside of the city of Jerusalem.

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Catholics believe that Mary was born without sin (the Immaculate Conception), since Jesus would otherwise have inherited original sin from his mother. Against this, Luke 1:30 says the angel told Mary that she had found favour with God, implying that it was not pre-ordained (as the Immaculate Conception would imply) for Mary to be the mother of Jesus.

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When Jesus was on the cross and just before he died, he told the Apostle John that he was now her son and she was his mother. Jesus was telling John to take care of his mother. Mary also had other children but Jesus made a point of telling John to care for her.

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The Virgin Mary is not entitled as Annunciation. The Annunciation was an event which occurred in her life. The Annunciation was when the angle Gabriel appeared to her and told her that God wanted her to be the mother of his only son Jesus. Mary accepted Gods Holy Will and had a son which she conceived through the Holy Spirit

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In John's Gospel, Jesus told "the disciple whom Jesus loved" to care for his mother, Mary, and told his mother, this is your son. We do not know who "the disciple whom Jesus loved" was, but a tradition beginning in the second century is that this was John. This instruction is missing from the synoptic gospels, where the disciple was not present at the crucifixion.

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Yes scripture tells us that when Jesus died on the cross at Calvary Mary was at the cross side. Jesus told the disciple to look after her as she is your mother , and they took her home.

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