

Who told the Philippines 'I shall return'?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Douglas MacArthur said that on his arrival in Australia after being ordered to leave the Philippines as the Japanese invasion progressed.

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Q: Who told the Philippines 'I shall return'?
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What did MacArthur vow to do when he left the Philippines?

I shall return.

What is a quote from MacArthur on his return to the Philippines?

When he returned to the Philippines, MacArthure said "People of the Philippines: I have returned."Mac Author made promises to return to the Philippines. His famous quote was "I shall return". It was his promise to his followers.

What country was MacArthur referring to when he said 'I shall return'?

The Philippines.

Who said upon evacuting the Philippines i shall return?

Douglas MacArthur

Who mad the vow you shall return when forced to abandon the Philippines?

General Douglas MacArthur made the vow, stating "I shall return," after being ordered to leave the Philippines during World War II.

Who made the vow I shall return?

general Douglas MacArthur. Is whom I think you are talking about. He made a vow, "I shall return," when he was forced to abandon the Philippines.

When was We Shall Return created?

"We Shall Return" was written by Jose Rizal in 1872, during his exile in Dapitan. He composed the poem as a declaration of his intention to return to the Philippines and continue fighting for its freedom and independence from Spanish colonial rule.

When forced to abandon the Philippines who made the promise you shall return?

General Douglas MacArthur

When forced to abandon the Philippines made the vow i shall return?

General Douglas MacArthur.

Who was the American commander in Asia who promised you shall return as he evacuated US troops from the Philippines in 1941?

The American commander in Asia who famously said, 'I came through and I shall return' was Douglas MacArthur. The speech was given in Australia after his escape from the Philippines.

You Shall Return General?

The general who said, 'I shall return.' was Douglas MacArthur. He said it as he departed the Philippines early in World War II. He did indeed return to take the islands back from Japan a few years later.

Did general Mc Arthur returns to Philippines after saying ''I shall return''?

Yes, he returned in October 1944.