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Joseph Stalin never lead Germany...

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Q: Who took rule over Germany after Joseph Stalin?
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Related questions

What was Joseph Stalin's beliefs?

That the Soviet Union Should rule over everybody!

What was Joseph Stalin involvement with Germany after World War 2?

Stalin kept half of Germany. It became known as East Germany and was under Russia's communist rule until the early 1990s.That is why Stalin want control of European countries

What nation did Joseph Stalin rule over?

He ruled over the USSR the United Socailist Soviet Republic

Why do you remember Joseph Stalin?

Russia under the rule of Joseph Stalin was the most powerful in its history.

What nation did Joseph Stalin rule?


Who was the tsar after Joseph Stalin?

There was no tsar after Joseph Stalin. Tsarist rule ended permanently after the October Revolution of 1917. Georgi Malenkov and Nikita Khrushchev took over after Stalin's death, but Malenkov soon left his position leaving Khrushchev in control.

What was Joseph Stalin's mandate?

Rule the Soviet empire with an iron fist.

How did Joseph Stalin rule different then Lenin?

they have different names :D

In 1939 with whom did Germany sign a non aggression pact?

September 1939 with Russia. Ribbentrop & Molotov seal Polands' fate.

Joseph Stalin ruled russia and was a?

Joseph Stalin was a tyrant that seemed to take pleasure in killing and taking more control. He was said to "rule with an iron fist."

How did Joseph Stalin establish a totalitarian regime in the Soviet Union?

Stalin’s rule in the USSR was clearly totalitarian, but he didn’t establish it as much as continue with the existing system that he took over.

When did Joseph Stalin be come ruler of USSR?

due to his speech and and how he wanted to rule