

Who used morse codes?

Updated: 11/9/2022
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9y ago

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People in World War 1. They used it to keep plans away from enemy solders.


When Morse, Henry and Vail invented the telegraph in 1836 it produced a mechanically punched tape with "the Code" as a method of long distance communication with a recorded record. It was the primary communications system for the financial institutions and strategic communications such as railroad control.

Actually, Morse Code, and the similar International Code (sometimes also referred to as Morse Code) via wire transmission were in use long before the civil war and decades after World War II. And the reason it was called a code was not to conceal information, as one person (a potential enemy) with the proper equipment could hear it the same as an ally. Like the binary code of today its dots and dashes represented a shorthand of the English language solely for electronic communication.

Morse Code was invented long before voice radio came into existence in 1906. Even after voice radio was around, Morse or International Code was still transmitted over longer distances with simpler and cheaper equipment, and also more easily heard through static interference than voice. There are few amateur radio operators (Hams) that do not have equipment to produce Morse signals and for those that are not trained to read it, there are auxiliary computer devices that can translate what is transmitted when received. It still takes a practiced hand to send it; and, a practiced mind to translate it, particularly if computer chips are disabled by an EMF pulse.

In order to keep plans away from an enemy, you would need to encrypt the message first, then transmit the encrypted version. The enemy and the friend could both take down the encryption, but the friend would have the key to decrypt it.

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In the past morse codes where used during the war to send out information for war allies, nowadays Morse codes are used by aeronautical navigational aids and amateur radio operators. Morse codes are useful during emergencies signaling SOS with a radio, mirror, or flashlight.

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Samuel F.B. Morse, with the assistance of Alfred Vail, invented Morse Code in 1835 when, as a professor of arts and design at New York University, he proved that signals could be transmitted by wire. Originally, Morse Code was a series of written codes on a strip of paper, but in 1836, the device used to produce the written codes was modified to emboss the paper with dots and dashes, which he modestly called Morse's Code.The message sent as the first public demonstration was "What hath God wrought".

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What was Morse codes use in the civil war?

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Who used the Morse code?

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