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two=bit and ponyboy

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Q: Who visit Johnny and Darry in the hospital in the outsiders?
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How did dally get the knife (outsiders)?

Steve had given it to Dally when they went to visit him at the hospital

How does Johnny feel about fighting while in the hospital in the outsiders book?

When Two-Bit and Pony go to visit him the first time, he had been requesting them since he was stuck in the hospital. His only requests were hair grease and a copy of Gone With the Wind. At the end of the visit, Johnny's mom comes and when Johnny is notified of that, he passes out from the stress of possibly having to deal with his abusive mother screaming at him and telling him how bad of a person he is and how his parents will be glad when he is dead.

What did Cherry say as to why she wouldn't visit Johnny in the hospital?

She said that because Johnny killed Bob and she still loved him.

Why won't cherry go visit Johnny in the hospital outsiders?

because she loved bob and still thought that johny was a murderer :)

Who came to visit ponyboy in chapter 11 of the outsiders?

While Ponyboy and Johnny where hiding in the church Dallas Winston came to check on them.

Who else cam to the chapter 5 in the outsiders?

Dallas Winston comes to visit Johnny and Ponyboy at the church. He knew where they were because, he told them where to go after Johnny killed the Soc, Bob.

Who does Darry fight in the rumble?

Yes Dally does go to the rumble in the Outsiders. He was suposed to be in the hospital because he was in the fire. When Ponyboy and Two-Bit came to visit he asked for Two-Bits 10 inch switch blade, he then hide it under his pillow. Later, Dally treatens the nurse to let him go with Two-Bits switch blade.

Who came to visit ponyboy and what knowledge did he share?

When Ponyboy was sick, Randy came to visit him, they talked about how Randy was upset that he had disappointed his father and they talked about the court date. When Randy mentions that Johnny was the one who killed Bob Pony freaks out and denies it. Darry steps in and tells Randy to leave.

Why did the doctor allow two-bit and ponyboy to visit johnny?

They were allowed to visit Johnny because they were his friends and his "family".

How did johnny cymbal die?

Well first of all the name is Johnny Cade, not Johnny Cymbal. Johnny died in a hospital. The cause of his death were major burns. Johnny and Ponyboy helped save a bunch of little kids from burning in the old church in Windrixville that caught on fire. Ponyboy made it out okay, but Johnny got a burning piece of the ceiling fall on him. He got paralyzed from the waste down and had very severe burns all over his body. Dally dragged him out and the ambulance brought Johnny, Dally, and Ponyboy to the hospital. The day of the rumble, the next day, Johnny died when Ponyboy and Dally came to visit him after the rumble was over.

What part of the outsiders does randy visit ponyboy?

randy visits ponyboy in chapter 11 to see how pony was doing because he wasnt in school and cherry brought it up. then randy gets told to leave by darry because pony isn't doing too well and he was getting ponyboy all jumpy and upset.