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Q: Who wanted all the jews dead?
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Who was Adolf Hitler after?

Adolf Hitler was after the Jews. He wanted all the Jews dead.. He wanted the girls to have blue eyes and blonde hair

What did the Nazi leaders want to do to the Jews?

They wanted to exterminate all the Jews and rid Europe of all of its Jews.

Why did they want the Jews?

If you are talking about the Holocaust, the Nazi's wanted them because Hitler used them as a scapegoat or someone to blame for the loss of the first World War. To get revenge for the loss he wanted them all dead.

Why did the Jews hide?

Because the Germans were after the Jews and they wanted to kill them all. so they tried to hide.

What other group of people did Hitler want to kill?

Jews Blacks Gypsies Romanians Homosexuals Anyone mentally or physically handicapped Communists And anyone that didnt agree with him

Why did Hitler begin world war 2?

he wanted all the Jews killed and wanted a huge Germany

Who did Adolf Hitler want dead?

Adolf Hitler hated the Jews most but also wanted Political Prisoners, Homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Gypsies and Criminals dead.

How did Hitler do what he did?

hitler did this because he hated jews an all he wanted is power

Why did hittler kill all the jews?

He didn't, as much as would have wanted to.

What man wanted to have all Jews in exile in Babylon killed?


Why were the prisoners of the holocaust murdered?

Because one of Hitler's main goals was to kill all Jews. He wanted all Jews to die in agony.

Why did Hitler kill all Jews?

Because He disliked all jew's and wanted them all dead ... Also he was a messed up person ! :O Love you shaz kiki Emma Kai courtney ! vicky .. hey alex ! die Zac !