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The answer you may be looking for is Adolf Hitler. Perhaps Herman Göring or the rest of the Nazi party. You might just add the attendees of the Wannsee Conference:

  • Gauleiter Dr. Alfred Meyer
  • Reichamtsleiter Dr. Georg Leibrandt
  • State Secretary Dr. Wilhelm Stuckart
  • State Secretary Dr. Erich Neumann
  • State Secretary Dr. Roland Freisler
  • State Secretary Dr. Josef Bühler
  • Under State Secretary Martin Luther
  • SS Senior-Colonel Gerhard Klopfer
  • Ministerial Director Friedrich Kritzinger
  • SS Major-General Otto Hofmann
  • SS Major-General Heinrich Müller
  • SS Lt-Colonel Adolf Eichmann
  • SS Senior-Colonel Dr. Eberhard Schöngarth
  • SS Major Dr. Rudolf Lange

The reference to "the Jewish problem" is specific to one event, the 20 January 1942 Wannsee Conference. This is, by the way, a misquoting of the grisly focus of that conference.

In 1941 Herman Göring ordered SS Lieutenant General Reinhard Heydrich to find "a final solution to the Jewish question" mimicing similar orders written by the Turkish Ottoman government decades before during the planning and implementation of their "Armenian solution."

While the Nazis can take their share of the blame for the Holocaust, there are a fair number of other governments of the world who should be brought to the trough as well, and by no means were they the original architects. They aren't even responsible for the antisemitism that seems to have driven them insane; that existed in Europe and Russia for several centuries before.

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Q: Who wanted to rid the world of its ''Jewish problem''?
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