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Paul's original name was Saul and he was a prosecutor of Christians.

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Q: Who was Paul in the bible before he became CHristian?
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Before this saint became a Christian he was called Saul?

Before Paul became a Christian he was called Saul. When he became a Christian his name was changed from Saul to Paul

What faith was Saint Paul?

Saint Paul was a devout follower of Jesus Christ and played a crucial role in spreading Christianity throughout the Roman Empire. He was originally a Pharisee and a persecutor of Christians before his conversion on the road to Damascus.

What was Saint Paul's religion before he became a Christian?

Saint Paul was a devout Jew and a Pharisee before he converted to Christianity.

What was Saint Paul's name before he became a Christian?

Saul of Tarsus

Where can the name Damaris be located in the Bible?

Damaris was a woman at Athens who heard Paul preach and became a Christian. Acts 17:34

What was pauls life like before he became a Christian?

Beafore Paul became a christian - he was called Saul. He baisically spent his time persecuting chrisians and getting them into trouble. Saul was there when Stephen became the first christian martar. He was the young one holding the coats.

What were Saint Paul's beliefs?

Saint Paul was a key figure in early Christianity and believed in the divinity of Jesus Christ, the importance of faith in Jesus for salvation, and the expansion of the Christian message to all people. He also emphasized the central role of love and unity within the Christian community.

Who was the Christian hater that became Christian?

If you mean in the Bible, that was Paul, previously known as Saul of Tarsus. Saul was a fervent persecutor of Christians, but on the road to Damascus, God apparently struck him blind and spoke to him. After that, he became a believer, and within several days, he got his sight back.

How did Onesimus changed since Paul met him?

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When did Paul Revere became a Christian?

yes he was b!%(h

Was Saint Paul religious?

Yes, Saint Paul was religious. He was a devout Jew before his conversion to Christianity and played a significant role in spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Who became a christian while traveling to the capital of Syria?

He was called Saul , but later became Paul.