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St.Christina suffered alot of pain from others

but never complained her pain. From the heavens

God and the angels were watching and knew

that her faith was strong and her belief so they

accepted her to be a saint.
We don't know. She was beautified- not canonized (You need to be canonized to become a saint.) in 1841 by Pope Gregory XVl.

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10y ago
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4mo ago

Saint Christina of Bolsena is a Christian martyr who lived in the 3rd century. She is venerated as a saint in the Catholic Church and is believed to have been tortured and killed for her faith. Saint Christina is known for her strong faith and devotion to God, and is often invoked as a patron against epilepsy and mental disorders.

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10y ago

St. Christina Feastday: July24 St. Christina was the daughter of a rich and powerful magistrate named Urbain. Her father, who was deep in the practices of heathenism, had a number of golden idols, which our saint destroyed, and distributed the pieces among the poor. Infuriated by this act, Urbain became the persecutor of his daughter. He had her whipped with rods and then thrown into a dungeon. Christina remained unshaken in her faith. Her tormentor then had her body torn by iron hooks, and fastened her to a rack beneath which a fire was kindled. But God watched over His servant and turned the flames upon the lookers-on. Christina was next seized, a heavy stone tied around her neck, and she was thrown into the lake of Balsena, but she was saved by an angel, and outlived her father, who died of spite. Later, this martyred suffered the most inhuman torments under the judge who succeeded her father, and finally was thrown into a burning furnace, where she remained, unhurt, for five days. By the power of Christ, she overcame the serpents among which she was thrown; then her tongue was cut out, and afterwards, being pierced with arrows, she gained the martyr's crown at Tyro, a city which formerly stood on an island in the lake of Balsena in Italy, but was long since swallowed up by the waters. Her relics are now at Palermo in Sicily.

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9y ago

St. Christina was the daughter of a rich and powerful magistrate named Urbain. Her father, who was deep in the practices of heathenism, had a number of golden idols, which our saint destroyed, and distributed the pieces among the poor. Infuriated by this act, Urbain became the persecutor of his daughter. He had her whipped with rods and then thrown into a dungeon. Christina remained unshaken in her faith. Her tormentor then had her body torn by iron hooks, and fastened her to a rack beneath which a fire was kindled. But God watched over His servant and turned the flames upon the lookers-on. Christina was next seized, a heavy stone tied around her neck, and she was thrown into the lake of Balsena, but she was saved by an angel, and outlived her father, who died of spite. Later, this martyred suffered the most inhuman torments under the judge who succeeded her father, and finally was thrown into a burning furnace, where she remained, unhurt, for five days. By the power of Christ, she overcame the serpents among which she was thrown; then her tongue was cut out, and afterwards, being pierced with arrows, she gained the martyr's crown at Tyro, a city which formerly stood on an island in the lake of Balsena in Italy, but was long since swallowed up by the waters. Her relics are now at Palermo in Sicily.

Her feast day is July 24th.

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12y ago

Saint Christina of Persia, also known as Martyr Christina of Persia is venerated as a Christian martyr of the 6th century.

Her feast day is on 13 March, and the Roman Martyrology describes her as follows: "In Persia,. Saint Christina, martyr, who was flogged with rods and concluded the witness of martyrdom under King Chosroes I of the Persians."

Saint Christina of Bolsena, also known as Christina of Tyre, or in the Eastern Orthodox Church as Christina the Great Martyr, is venerated as a Christian martyr of the 3rd century. Her feast day is on 24 July.

Christina the Astonishing (1150-1224), also known as Christina Mirabilis, was a Christian holy-woman born in Brustem (near Sint-Truiden, Belgium) in 1150. She is sometimes considered a saint. Christina is as much remembered for her faith as for her numerous and violent fits of ecstasy. Her Memorial Day is 24 July.

Pick whatever one you want.

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13y ago

Saint Christina of Persia was declared a saint by early Christians based on her martyrdom.

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13y ago

Christina was a precongregational saint and not canonized. She was declared a saint by the local Christian community soon after she was martyred about the year 250.

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9y ago

There are a number of saints named Christina so you need to be specific.

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11y ago

There are several saints named Christina. Please be specific.

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9y ago

Which Christina? There are several.

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