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Andrew Johnson of Tennessee. He had his reward by becoming the Vice Presidential candidate on the ticket with Lincoln in 1864, replacing Hannibal Hamlin, who was Vice President during Lincoln's first term. Johnson became President when Lincoln was murdered.

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Q: Who was The only senator from the south to remain in the senate during civil war?
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What was unique about Andrew Johnson as a senator during the civil war?

He was the only Southern Senator left in the Senate.

Who was the leader of the radical Republicans in the senate during the US Civil War?

Senator Charles Sumner (MA) and Congressman Thaddeus Stevens (PA)

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William K. Sebastian from the state of Arkansas. Although one of the names in the expulsion order at the beginning of the Civil War, He was fulling accredited later.

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Senator Steadman favors civil unions and is a sponsor of the bill. He is an openly gay man. On January 23, 2013, as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, he presided over a vote on the Civil Unions Bill (Senate Bill 11) in which it was passed (3-1) to the Senate Appropriations Committee. UPDATE: Senator Steadman voted in favor of the bill which passed the senate 21-14 on February 11, 2013.

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Civil rights activist Rosa Parks did not serve in the United States Senate.

What is Colorado State Senator Kevin Lundberg's position on the pending bill that would legalize same-sex civil unions in Colorado?

On January 23, 2013, in the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Lundberg voted against the Civil Unions Bill (Senate Bill 11) after having proposed an amendment to the bill allowing child placement agencies to discriminate against couples in a civil union. The bill nonetheless passed (3-2). UPDATE: Senator Lundberg voted against the bill which nonetheless passed the senate 21-14 on February 11, 2013.

Why did congress take advantage of the absence of southerners in the house and senate during the civil war?

During the Civil War, Congress took advantage of the absence of southerners in the House and Senate to do all of the following, except

How did senate strom Thurmond try to prevent the passage of the civil rights act of 1957?

Senator Strom Thurmond tried to prevent the passage of the civil rights act of 1957 by filibuster.

Who was a congressman and senator who spoke for South Carolina during the civil war?

robert smalls

Senator who spoke for south before and during civil war?

John C. Callhoun

Who was the only southern senator to support the union during the civil war was?

andrew johnson

When did Julius Caesar work in the senate?

Julius Caesar was never a senator. He fought a civil war against the forces of the senate and won. When he became the ruler of Rome he turned the senate into an instrument for his power. He replaced senators who died when they fought in the civil war with his supporters. He also increased the size of the senate from 600 to 900 and filled the new seats with his supporters.