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Salman Rushdie. A Fatwa was declared on him by the government of Iran.

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Q: Who was a modern writer in England who had a contract on his life by a national government for writing a novel?
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A simple contract is a contract that is made orally or in writing. This type of contract is not notarized or legally recorded.

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The federalists wanted a constitution to gain more national government power.

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The Sedition Act, passed in 1918. The law made it a crime to criticize by speech or writing the government or Constitution.

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According to the terms of the particular contract, or, when the contract is amended in writing by both parties.

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There were differing views between the founding fathers on the strength of the national government when writing the Constitution. The first political parties in the US were the Federalist and the Democratic-Republicans(jeffersonians). The federalist favored a strong centralized government, much like that of in England. While the Federalist favored states-rights and disliked the government of England.

Who argued for government as a contract between the ruler and the people?

Generally, the concept is attributed to John Locke and/or Jean-Jacques Rousseau, though the former is probably more correct, in that Locke formulated the foundational theories of government being founded on the consent of the governed, not by any external power.

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National Novel Writing Month was created in 1999.

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Get a contract in writing. If you worried about it, get it looked over by a contract lawyer.

To what desciplines is geography related?

Geography is related to History. The people of England have not been conquered since 1066 a.d. Wars have not been fought on English soil. England has a history of stable government. Across the English Channel, France and Belgium have been involved in wars. They do not have a history of stable government. Japan uses a writing system similar to Chinese. Its Government is like that of England as is its Geography.

What is related to geography?

Geography is related to History. The people of England have not been conquered since 1066 a.d. Wars have not been fought on English soil. England has a history of stable government. Across the English Channel, France and Belgium have been involved in wars. They do not have a history of stable government. Japan uses a writing system similar to Chinese. Its Government is like that of England as is its Geography.

Do all contracts have to be in writing?

Not all contract have to be in write, there are verbal contracts as well. To have a contract in writing is best because it is visual proof of what was agreed upon vs. "he said she said".