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Q: Who was elected as the first ruler after the death of islam founder?
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What is the date of the death of the birth of the founder of Islam?

120 bc

Who was the founder of islam and what was his background?

Founder of Islam is Allah (The God ).

What prophet is considered to be the founder of Islam?

The prophet Muhammad is often regarded as the founder of Islam.

Who are the founders of Islam after the death of muhammed?

None Allah (God in English) is the founder of Islam before prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and after him. Refer to related question below.

Was Abu Baker elected as the first ruler after the death of Islam's founder?

Yes. Abu Bakar Siddique (peace and blessings be upon him) was elected as the first Caliphate of Islam after the Prophet Muhammad (Allah S.W.T. mercy and blessings be upon him) passed away. There were 4 Caliphs/Kaliphs of Islam (Sahaabi): Abu Bakr Saddique, Umar-e-Farooq, Usthmaan-Ul-Ghani( or sometimes known as Usthmaan Bin Affaan,they both mean the same thing), and fianll with all due respect cam Ali Murtaza ( May Allah's peace and blessings be upon them all)

Who is the Patriarch or founder of Islam?

There is no Patriarch for Islam. Allah (or God in English) is the founder for Islam. Refer to related question below.

Who was the founder of Islam and where was he or she from?

Another answer from our community:Allah (God in English) is the founder of Islam. Allah is everywhere every time.

Who was the first Muslim on earth?

Adam; peace be upon him; is the first Muslim on earth.

Was abdulla the founder of Islam?

No Allah (God in English) is the Islam founder. Refer to related question below.

Who ate the founder of Islam?

Nobody ate Muhammad (the founder of Islam). He was buried in a grave and left untouched.

Does Islam claim a founder?

yes, Allah (or God in English) is the founder of Islam. Refer to related question below.

Who was the founder of Islamic religion?

Prophet Muhammad is the prophet who received God's revelation of Quran through the Angel Gabriel (or Jibril). Quran revelation started in year 610 AD and continued until year 632 AD (year of death of prophet Muhammad).