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Q: Who was hurt during the pig hunt in Chapter 7?
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Who became the pig after the hunt In lord of the flies in chapter 8?

Simon becomes the "pig" during the hunt in Chapter 8 of "Lord of the Flies." The boys, caught up in their frenzy, mistake Simon for the beast and unknowingly contribute to his tragic death in their violent hysteria.

Who hurts his butt during the game of pretend pig hunt?

The father hurts his butt during the game of pretend pig hunt.

In chapter 7 what happens to Jack during the pig hunt?

Jack showed the rest of the boys a shallow gash on his arm caused, he said, by the tusk of the boar as he had tried to grab hold of it.

How would you describe the hunt in chapter 7?

Ralph starts hunting and sticks a pig and likes how that felt.

What is the target of the boys hunting in chapter 12 of lord of the flies?

The boys hunt for Ralph as an order of Jack.

Have the hunters killed anything yet in chapter 3 in lord of the flies?

Yes, the hunters have killed a wild pig in chapter 3 of "Lord of the Flies." They successfully hunt and kill the pig, marking their first significant achievement in terms of survival skills and providing food for the group.

How does chapter 5 end in the book hunt for the seventh?

I need this answer for a report!! Help!! (:

What specifically do the boys do at the end of chapter that makes Ralph upset In chapter 6?

At the end of Chapter 6, the boys reenact the hunt and killing of a pig by pretending to be the pig and carrying out the act. This display of savagery triggers guilt and discomfort in Ralph, as it reveals the boys' descent into barbarism.

Who pretends to be the pig in the pig dance in Lord of the Flies?

Roger pretends to be the pig in the pig dance in "Lord of the Flies." He acts out the role during the boys' reenactment of the hunt, revealing the dark and violent nature that lurks within him.

When Ralph gets caught up in the pig hunt what does his reaction tell you about him?

Ralph's reaction during the pig hunt shows that he is not comfortable with the violence and savagery that the other boys are exhibiting. He is conflicted between his innate sense of civilization and the primal instincts unleashed during the hunt. His discomfort highlights his struggle to maintain his moral compass in the face of the escalating chaos on the island.

How does the boys' game reenacting the pig hunt change in chapter 9?

In Chapter 9 of "Lord of the Flies," the boys' game of reenacting the pig hunt takes a dark turn when they become overtaken by a frenzied tribal dance. The game transitions into a real hunt as they become consumed by savagery and lose touch with their humanity, ultimately leading to the tragic death of Simon. This scene symbolizes the complete descent of the boys into barbarism and foreshadows the violence and chaos that will continue to unfold on the island.

Does it hurt when the guinea pig has the baby?

Nearly all creaturtes show evidence of pain during the birth process.