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Admiral Husband E. Kimmel .

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Q: Who was in command of the American pacific fleet at pearl harbor?
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What was attacked in Pearl Harbor?

The American Pacific Naval Fleet.

Who was in command of America pacific fleet when pearl harbor was attacked ww2?

Admeral Haulsey

What allowed the American Pacific Fleet to survive the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

American aircraft carriers were out at sea at the time of the attack

Who was in command of the American Pacific Fleet when Pearl Harbor was attacked?

Chester Nimitz Edited by desteny w Husband E. Kimmel was in command on Dec 7, 1941. Chester Nimitz took command over on Dec 31, 1941 Edited by Oysterboy

What did the US have to do with Pearl Harbor?

Pearl Harbor was the main base for the US Pacific Fleet.

What were the number and names of the fleets attacked at Pearl Harbor?

The Japanese Imperial Fleet attacked the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor.

Who attacked the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor?


What naval actions did Admiral Kimmel initiate in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor and before he was relieved of command of the US Pacific Fleet?

Admiral Kimmel did put the fleet on wartime status and sent patrols out but did not have time to effectively plan out his retaliatory strikes against the Japanese as he was relieved of command in a little more than a week after Pearl Harbor.

What state is home to your Navy pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor?


What was at pearl harbor that made the japense attack it?

the pacific fleet was moved

Where is the headquarters for the U.S. Navy's Pacific Fleet located?

Pearl Harbor

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