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There is a website dedicated to americans fallen in Afghanistan called "remember the fallen". Although National Guard falls under the US Army, they may be listed as US Army and not National Guard. Once a guardsman is activated, he/she becomes active duty army until returned back to guard status when deployment is completed. The same goes for the Air National Guard, they become US Air Force personnel.

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Q: Who was just killed in Afghanistan from National Guard?
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Does the National Guard go to Iraq?

Yes. National Guard units are deploying both to Iraq and Afghanistan. Here in North Carolina, the NC National Guard just recently returned from Iraq, and my two deployments to Iraq have been with National Guard units.

How many killed in Pakistan and Afghanistan after 911 attack?

Just over 19,629 people have been killed there. Its a real shame :(

How many French troops killed in Afghanistan?

There are currently about 3 750 french soldiers in Afghanistan. 34 have died since 2001.

Can you go from National Guard to army?

yes. Just ask the sargent.

Why is the National Guard in Afghanistan?

German and Croatian intelligence recorded conversations of their leadership admitting responsibility for the attacks on the US in 2001, since they had attacked the same location in 1993 it constitutes an invasion attempt. So, we are fighting to essentially to establish a new government there that won't attack us.

Does the National Guard have a chef?

No. Just cooks like all the other military branches.

Highest Rank Of national Guard?

Just like the active component, 4 star general is the highest.

What do kids in Afghanistan do for work?

they polish the big cool ak-47 from the afghanistan soldiers and then they just keep in a hide out until they are to leave but they must leave in a very carefull way because because if they dont they are most likely to be killed

Is it right to be drafted from the National Guard?

People used to join the Guard for just that reason: to stay out of the regular Army that got shipped overseas and not used to bolster a destroyed dying military the way they are used now in Iraq.

Can gay people be married and be in the national guard?

Yes, neither homosexuality nor marriage (nor even same-sex marriage) prevents one from joining or remaining in the U.S. National Guard.

How can you quit the WI National Guard?

Just stop showing up for your UTAs. Once you miss ten, you'll be discharged.

Does the air National Guard promote you when you switch over from active duty?

There is no Automatic promotions within the National Guard unless they are ones based off time in service. You won't be handed rank just for switching from Active Duty to the Guard. In order to gain rank you will need to test and show you deserve the new position.