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Q: Who was seen as the first important greek dramatist?
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What language used e first as seen lowercase not Greek epsilon?

Mediaeval Latin.

Was Aphrodite the sixth most important Greek Olympian?

No...she was the ninth most important Olympian!!! Answer 2: There was no such ranking, although Zeus is usually seen as number 1.

What language used e first as seen not Greek epsilon?

The symbol E first appears in Phoenician writing. It stood for the H sound.

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The first roman god was a well healthy Jew called pertoria..

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People have seen it ever since Greek and roman ages you can see it even without a telescope but nobody knows who was the first

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What is Greek word for reliance in Greek?

" EM-BEE-STO-'SEEN-EE " or " 'BE-SHA "

When where vampires first seen?

vampire like creature can be encountered in Greek mythology as far back as the bronze age. Reference Incubus and Succubus.

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theoretically Medusa was was never seen but a lot of the Greek people say that they have seen her.

Why is Zeus important to the Greek society?

Zeus was the king of the gods in Greek mythology, representing power, leadership, and order. He was believed to control thunder and lightning, as well as being the protector of justice and law. Zeus was an important figure in Greek society because he was seen as the ultimate authority figure and his actions influenced many aspects of life and society.

When was the star rigel first seen?

By very ancient people - and it was particularly important then because it was the Pole Star.