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Q: Who was the British philosopher who wrote the constitution for the Carolina's?
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What did John Locke write for the Carolinas?

John Locke, who was an English philosopher, wrote a constitution, or plan of government, for Carolinas -Get ur homework done! (:

What did john Locke do for Carolina?

John Locke, an English philosopher, wrote a constitution, or plan of government, for Carolinas -Get to homework (:

Who was John Locke and what he do for Carolina?

john Locke, who was an English philosopher, wrote a constitution, or plan of government, for Carolinas -Get ur homework done! (:

Who wrote the fundamental Constitution of the carolinas?

John Locke

The politics in the Carolinas?

john Locke wroe the charter. he wrote the fundamental constitution of Carolina.

Which greek philosopher wrote in The Republic that philosopher-kings should rule?

The Greek philosopher Plato wrote in The Republic that philosopher-kings should rule. He believed that those with the greatest wisdom and understanding of truth should govern society for its own good.

Who wrote the Canadian constitution?

The Canadian Constitution was written by many members of the Canadian Parliament. It was called the British North America Act of 1967.

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Thomas Paine, the British-born American political activist, philosopher and revolutionary wrote Common Sense in 1776, besides The Age Of Reason and Rights Of Man.

Who was the English philosopher who influenced Jefferson as he wrote the decloration of independence?

The English philosopher who influenced Jefferson as he wrote the Declaration of Independence was John Locke. Locke's ideas on natural rights, social contract theory, and government's role in protecting individual liberties were reflected in the Declaration's emphasis on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

What year was the British Constitution written and implemented?

There is no "British constitution" in the sense of the American one where a group of people sat down and wrote it. The British constitution is a collection of documents from the Magna Carta to the EU's Declaration of Human Rights. The constitution has evolved from 1215, the signing of the Magna Carta.

Who was Thomas hobbes and what he did?

Thomas Hobbes was a 17th-century English philosopher known for his work in political philosophy. His most famous book, "Leviathan," argued for the necessity of a strong central authority to maintain social order and prevent the chaos of a "state of nature." Hobbes believed that humans are inherently self-interested and that a social contract was needed to create a stable society.

Which philosopher wrote the Myth of the Cave?

The philosopher who wrote the Myth of the Cave is Plato. It is found in his work "The Republic" and is used as an allegory to explore the nature of reality and the importance of education and enlightenment.