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Q: Who was the Egyptian god of medicine?
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Is there an Egyptian god of medicine?


What is Imhotep god of?

Imhotep was the Egyptian god of Healing and Medicine. In his lifetime he was physician to the Pharaoh.

What is the Egyptian god of children?

Taweret the ancient Egyptian goddess of maternity and childbirth, protector of women and children; Bes the Egyptian god of the home, childbirth, infants, humor, song and dance. Isis too was goddess of women, mothers, children, magic, medicine, and the Ritual of Life.

What was the Egyptian god bes the god of?

The Egyptian god Bes was the dwarf god.

Who was the Egyptian god of healing and who was the Egyptian god of war?

Idon't think there is a god of war. The God of War is Mentu ---------------------------------------------------- Staples44: The Goddess of war was Sekhmet, usually depicted as a Lioness with the head of a woman. The Goddess of Healing was Serqet.

When was Egyptian medicine invented?

When Egyptians invented medicine

Who was the Egyptian god zozer?

There is no Egyptian god Zozer.

Who was the Egyptian god of lice?

There was no Egyptian god of lice.

Who was the Egyptian God of wheat?

There is no Egyptian god of wheat, however there is an Egyptian god of grain. The name of this god was 'Neper'. He was sometimes called 'Neper the reaper' because of his association with grain and harvesting.

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What Egyptian god had to do with gnats?

That was the Biblical god of Abraham, not a Egyptian god or goddess.

Who is the Egyptian god of magic?

The Egyptian God of Magic is Isis.