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Porfirio Diaz.

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Q: Who was the Mexican dictator during the Spanish American War?
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Who was the dictator of Mexico during the Mexican-American War?

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna .

Who was the dictator of Mexico during the Texan War for Independence?

The dictator during the Mexican American war was Antonio Lopez De Santa Anna. he was exiled.

Who was the dictator of Spain during the Spanish Civil War?

No one was the dictator of Spain during the Spanish Civil War. The war was fought to determine whether Spain would be a left-leaning republic (or perhaps a communist state) or a fascist dictatorship. It was only after the war that there was a dictator of Spain.

What is someone of Spanish blood but Mexican born called?

Mexican. During the Spanish colonial period, such people were called Creoles in English and Criollos in Spanish.

What did the Mexican soldiers call the American troops during the Mexican American war?

They called American troops "Gringos"

Who was Mexican president during Mexican-American war?

Santa Anna.

Mexican general and president during the Mexican American War?

Santa Anna.

Who was the general who became the dictator of Spain after the civil war?

Francisco Franco was the Spanish military dictator during World War 2.

Who fought for Mexican American rights during the depression?

you did

Who was the general during the Mexican American war?


Who was the U.s. president during Mexican American war?

James Knox Polk was the US president during the Mexican War.

Who was US president during Mexican American war?

James Knox Polk was the US president during the Mexican War.