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The dust bowl the occurred in prairie states which included Kansas and Oklahoma. The prairies were covered with prairie plants, mostly grass. This formed a natural sod which was rather deep. The sod kept the soil in place during times of low rainfall. When farmers came to this area they plowed up the sod exposing the soil. For this reason they were called 'sod busters'. In the 30s a large drought occurred. When winds blew, soil was picked up and blew about. More and more soil was picked up and blown about. This time was called the dirty 30s. Sometimes people would get the soil blown in their eyes and never saw again. The dirt was blown as far as Washington DC. Washington finally came up with the Soil Conservation Act. Farming practices were changed to preserve the soil. Teddy Roosevelt was President at this time.

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The President of the United States elected Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1932. He was also known as FDR.

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Why did President Roosevelt do nothing about the dust bowl?

The president has no control over the weather, so Franklin Roosevelt could do nothing about the Dust Bowl.

What decade was the dust bowl in?

The Dust Bowl started in 1931 and ended in 1939. Exact dates are impossible to decide.

What month did the dust bowl begin?

I believe that the Dust Bowl started sometime around 1939. I have read the Grapes of Wrath, which is about the Dust Bowl in the West. I am pretty sure it's 1939 or 1940. I do know for sure that it was during the same period of time as the Great Depression, which started in 1929.

Who was the president when the dust bowl happened?

herbert hoover

What year did the dust bowl conitions start to impact the US?

The dust bowl started in 1931 but no one knows when it impacted the U.S

When did the dust bowl become significant?

The dust bowl became significant when it started having an effect on the agriculture and economy. The dust storms started in 1930 and were over in many areas in 1936. In some places they continued to 1940.

How was the land and people effected by the dust bowl?

they started to get sick.

Where did the dust bowl happen and how long was it?

it started in 1931 and lasted for a decadeit was a storm

How did the president react to the dust bowl?

the same i was asking but guess what i didnt get a answwer to;]

Who were important people in the dust bowl?

President Roosevelt and Prairie farmers played an important role in who took part in the dust bowl. Some others you might want to include are support industries who helped the farmers financially.

how do i dust a bowl?

No the dust bowl was not shaped like a bowl

Was the dust bowl really the shape of a bowl?

No the dust bowl was not shaped like a bowl.