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President Ronald Reagan

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Q: Who was the President who ordered the Berlin Wall dismantled?
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What does dismantled mean and do not say the Berlin Wall?

It means taken apart.

What was dismantled in 1989 symbolizing the end of the Cold War and the reunification of Germany?

The Berlin Wall

Who was ordered to build the Berlin Wall?


Who was the president of the Soviet Union when the Berlin Wall collapsed?

The President of the Soviet Union when the Berlin Wall collapsed, in 1989, was President Mikhail Gorbachev.

Who dismantled the Berlin Wall?

A combination of Private individuals and groups, as well as both governments of East and West Germany.

Who was Germany's president after the Berlin Wall?

The West German President during and after the building of the Berlin Wall was Theodore Heuss (1949-1959).

Where is the Berlin Wall today?

Most of Berlin Wall has been dismantled with many sections being gifted by the German government to local and foreign museums. However, there are still bits of it standing where they were in the center of Berlin, especially in the area close to the Checkpoint Charlie Museum.

In what year did the Berlin wall fall and what United States president was in office?

The Berlin wall fell in 1989 and the U.S. President at the time was Ronald Reagan.

How long was the Berlin Wall divide the city?

The Berlin Wall stood as a symbol of the Cold War for nearly thirty years. It was originally erected overnight on 13 August 1961, while the official demolition of the Berlin wall began on 13 June 1990, although it had begun to be unofficially dismantled in November 1989.

Who was president when Berlin wall goes up in 1953?

Construction of the Berlin Wall started on 13 August 1961 (NOT 1953). At this time John F Kennedy was president

Who was the east German statesman who ordered the building of the Berlin wall in 1961?

Walter Ulbricht

Were did President Ronald Reagan go in the world while he was president?

The Berlin Wall