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Eisenhower sent the first official US troops over there on or about 11 February 1955.

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Q: Who was the U.S. president when the first military combat went into Vietnam?
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What was John Kennedy's first act as president to combat communism?

deploy combat troops to vietnam

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Who was the president during the buildup of Vietnam war?

LBJ was the first US president to send conventional combat troops to RVN and the first president to begin openly bombing North Vietnam.

United States President during the Vietnam War?

Several: Dwight D Eisenhower (1952-60) was President when the US first sent military advisors to Vietnam, followed by John F Kennedy (1961-63); Lyndon B Johnson (1963-68), who first sent combat troops; Richard M Nixon (1969-74), who withdrew all combat troops under intense pressure from Congress and the public; and Gerald R Ford (1974-76), who was President when North Vietnam defeated South Vietnam.

How many US soldiers first went to the Vietnam War?

President Eisenhower sent US Military Advisers to South Vietnam in 1955.

Who was the president of the U.S. that gave permission to launch the first military attach on Vietnam?

Military attacks had been going on in SOUTH Vietnam since '55. LBJ was the first US President to launch an attack on NORTH Vietnam in August 1964; after the North Vietnamese Navy attacked the US Navy in the Tonkin Gulf

Which president ordered a continuous bombing campaign over North Vietnam and sent the first combat troops to South Vietnam?

Lyndon Johnson :) hope I helped!!!! Have a good day!

Who was the first president to send aid to the french in Vietnam?

President Eisenhower sent military advisors and maybe some technicians to Vietnam to help the government there stay in power. That was the beginning of US involvement there.

When did the first Americans have combat action in Vietnam?


When did the US enter Vietnam?

If your referring to the Vietnam War, the first U.S military advisors arrived in Vietnam in 1950.

What granted the US president broad military powers in Vietnam?

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in 1964 gave U.S. President Johnson any military force necessary to protect U.S. interests. The "War Powers Resolution" in 1973, which over-rode President Nixon's veto, restricted the President's power, without "Congressional Approval." The WPR was brought about by President Nixon's ground campaigns in Cambodia & Laos in 1970 and 1971, respectively.

When did the US first send advisors to Vietnam?

"Advisors" is misleading. When did the first military advisors dedicated to advising combat operations is what most are wanting to ask.