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General Sherman

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Q: Who was the Union general in charge of the total war to the South?
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Who is the Union general who waged total war on the south?

William T Sherman

Which Union officer is known for advocating total war on the South?

William Tecumseh Sherman was the general who theorized and applied the Total War on the South.

Union General who destroyed South during "march to the sea" from Atlanta to Savannah, example of total war?

William Tecumseh Sherman

Who was the union general known for total war?

William Tecumseh Sherman was known for total war.

Which union general practiced total war as he marched into atlanta?


What side conducted total war?

Sherman through the south. He was Union.

What was the Name of union general who used total war scorched earth policy?

General Ulysses S. Grant

What union general waged a total war against the confederacy?

william tecumseh sherman

What was total war and why did Sherman use it to help defeat the south?

"Total War" is an act (to my understanding) that kills off the enemies arsenal and resources to stop the enemies from continuing to fight (rebel). Without the resources, the South would have no way to rebel against the Union anymore besides they were already low on resources. General Ulyssis S. Grant believed in total war and he ordered General William Tecumseh Sherman, also a believer in total war, to wage total war against the South. He set out in March 1864 from Tennessee to Georgia. Sherman reached Atlanta, South's main manufacturing and railroad center, on September and he burned the city.

What man was most associated with the total war strategy of the Civil War?

General Sherman.

How would Union General George benefit by a Confederate victory over General John Pope?

As far as Union General George B. McClellan was concerned, the politics of Washington DC was the cause of his losing his entire army to General Pope. McClellan was well aware of how the Lincoln administration had their own way of running the war and now they had in General Pope, a commander who was a Radical Republican. If General Pope was defeated in the field by General Lee, McClellan believed he had enough support to be called in to again take charge of the armies in Virginia. He also feared a Pope victory that would crush the South and lead to the total radicalization of the war by the Republicans. For him, a victory for Pope would usher in a defiant South that would end up being destroyed. McClellan was not pro-South or pro-slavery. He had his own way to bring the war to an end. His ego could not let the vastly important war be controlled by his political enemies.

What city was mostly destroyed by General Sherman as part of the Union stragey of total war?

Atlanta, Georgia