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The answer you are probably fishing for is Winston Churchill.

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Q: Who was the allied leader who inspired his country with speeches?
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Was Winston Churchill unpopular with the citizens of England?

No, why would he be? His speeches inspired millions of people, and he was a great war leader and man n general

Who was the leader of the allied forces during the Normandy invasion?

General Dwight Eisenhower was the leader of all Allied Forces at that time.

What did churchhill do in World War 2?

Prime Minister Winston Churchill, was the leader of Britain and inspired his country during the war.

Which allied country is the largest?

The Soviet Union was the largest country of the Allied forces in WWII. Today the largest country in the world is the Russian Federation, the leader of the former Soviet Union. However there are no more allied countries as they split into the American - NATO-OTAN alliance and Russian - Chinesse aliance, the former fighting for Globalism and Separatism and the latter for International Rights and Integrity.

Who was the US allied leader of Europe?

Roosevelt (US President) Churchill (British Chancellor) Eisenhower (General allied forces)

Who was the leader of the allied forces?

Woodrow Wilson

Which totalitarian leader was initially allied with the Axis Powers and then switched his alliance to the Allied Powers?

Stalin .

Who was the allied power leader?

FDR - Churchill - Stalin .

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Marc Antony was the Roman leader allied with Cleopatra against Octavian. It was an alliance that would soon fall apart.

Who was the Allied leader during d day?

Gen. Dwight Eisenhower was Supreme Commander of all allied forces.

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He was a good ,am

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