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A:Jewish tradition, subsequently accepted by both Christianity and Islam, is that Abraham was the personal ancestor of both the Jews and the Arabs. This tradition would make him the common ancestor of prophet Muhammad and Jesus Christ.
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Q: Who was the ancestor of both Prophet Muhammad and Jesus Christ?
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What did Muslims believe Jesus Christ and Muhammad were?

As I see it, the Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet, but Muhammad was a more recent prophet. But they are very different because Jesus Christ is God, (Titus 2.13), and Muhammad is a prophet that tells of another God, Allah.

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The Christian view is that Jesus was not a prophet, he was the son of God. In Islam, both Jesus and Muhammad are considered prophets.

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The Muslims believe in Jesus Christ (AS) as being an honorable Prophet. The Christians don't believe the last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). They are not the same.

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The life of Jesus as the Son of Man - circa 5/4 BC to April 31 AD, about 600 years prior to Muhammad.

How different are Islamic beliefs to Christian beliefs?

The biggest difference in beliefs alone is that Christians believe that Jesus is Christ while Muslims believe that Jesus was a great prophet although the greatest prophet in Islam is Muhammad.

Is Prophet Muhammad is more famous than Jesus?

Both Jesus and Prophet Muhammad are famous. As for who is more famous, statistics are not available to determine that.

Is Muhammad a prophet?

Yes , Just like Musa(moses), Isa(Jesus) and Ibrahim(Abraham). Look it up on Jesus wasa prophet. And Muhammad was a prophet too.

Did Bible speak about prophet Mohammad?

No, the Bible does not speak about Prophet Muhammad. The Bible is the sacred text of Christianity and is focused on the teachings and prophecies of Jesus Christ. Muhammad is the central figure in Islam and is not mentioned in the Bible.