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Peter, formerly called Simon

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Peter was the apostle chosen by Christ to be the head of his church. Jesus referred to him as the "rock" upon which he would build his church, and he gave Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Peter played a prominent role in the early Christian community and is considered the first Pope by the Catholic Church.

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Q: Who was the apostle chosen by Christ to be head of his church?
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Who did Christ choose to be the head of His church?

Christ chose the Apostle Simon, who he renamed Peter, as the first leader of His church.

Was Saint Peter the Apostle asked by Christ to be head of his Church?

Yes he was. The Papacy is traced all the way back to him.

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The Pope is the head of the church on Earth , and is seen as the Vicar of Christ and sucessor of Peter, the first Pope, as chosen by Jesus.

Where was the first Christian church formed?

It was formed in Jerusalem by Jesus Christ and given to the Apostle Peter to be the Head of it. Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles spread the "good news" around the world and started the Church in Rome.

How did St. Paul describe the church?

Loli dontknowThe Apostle Paul described the church as the Body of Christ. Christ being the Head.There are many Scriptures pertaining to this fact. Colossians 1:18, "And He (Christ) is the head of the body, the church........"

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They are in communion because Christ is the head of his church while the church his body. The spouse of Christ is the church.

Who did the Protestants say was the head of the church?

Jesus Christ is the King and Head of the Church.

What is the church united together in Christ called?

The true church is called the "body of Christ". Christ is the Head and the church is the body.

Who is the visible head of the universal Church?

Jesus Christ is the invisible head of the Catholic Church.

How is a church spiritual?

A church can said to be spiritual by having the presence of seers,visioneers,prophets,prophetess,dreamers etc. And these Pentecostal gifts is what spells the doctrines and engagements of the church. The leader is been chosen by Christ to take up the cross and the head administrator does the transfer of the shepherds ordained by Christ.

Which apostles were appointed the head of church?

No, Christ is the head of the true church, or body of believers. Ephesians 1:22, 4:15, 5:23, KJV. Whereas, some claim Peter was chosen by Christ to be the head, there were not two heads. In Matthew 16:16 Peter gave the confession: "Thou art the Christ (Messiah), the Son of the living God." Jesus had indicated that this revelation came to Peter from the Father in Heaven (v.17). By virtue of the different Greek genders of the nouns in verse 18, Jesus was saying that Peter was a little stone, but upon the Rock of the truth in Peter's God-given testimony, Christ Himself would build His church . Later in Acts 15, James, the Lord's half brother led the Jerusalem Council, although Peter was there. While Peter had initiated the witness to the Jews, the Samaritans and the Gentiles, as Christ had indicated that he would, Paul became the Apostle to the Gentiles, while Peter remained the Apostle to the Jews. Paul on one occasion rebuked Peter for wavering from the position of equal salvation for all believers. Their is no Biblical evidence that Peter was ever in Rome, nor sound historical evidence. The Scriptures clearly indicate that Peter went to Babylonia and that Paul ultimately went to Rome as a prisoner.

Where to get the Church of God in Christ seal on a church letter head?

Headquarters in Memphis