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His name was Ganymedes.

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Q: Who was the boy seduced by Zeus?
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Was Zeus married 2 Aphrodite?

No, he was not. Aphrodite refused to be seduced by Zeus, and Zeus made her marry Hephaestus.

What led up to the birth of Artemis and Apollo?

Zeus seduced their mother, Leto.

Who was the Maiden loved by Zeus in greek mythology?

There is a rather long list of maidens, or at least young women loved/seduced by Zeus. Some of the better known ones include: Io, who he transformed into a cow to protect her from Hera Europa, who he seduced/kidnapped in the form of a bull Leda, who he seduced/raped in the form of a swan Alcmene, who was the mother of Heracles

What did Persephone do when she was younger?

She had been a companion of Artemis and Athena, but before Persephone was called Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, she was the maiden Kore, who was seduced by Zeus and bore a son in Zagreus -this boy died and was later reborn as Dionysus.

Was anyone in love with Hera?

Her husband Zeus was, even if he habitually seduced lots of women. At times Hera borrowed Aphrodite's girdle, put it on, and Zeus became enamoured again.

Is Zeus a boy or a girl?

Zeus is Male.

Mortal woman seduced by zeus in the form of a bull?

Europa who had Minos and Rhadamanthys by Zeus; later, a third son, Sarpedon was added to the myth. She is also said to have borne a daughter, Crete.

What did Hera do to Zeus' lovers?

She tried to kill them, torture them, or trick them into dying like Semele.

What is the Greek goddess Maia's domain?

As a goddess she was quite unimportant. She was the daughter of Atlas, the Titan. Zeus seduced her and she became the mother of Hermes.

The pretty maiden who was tricked by Zeus when he changed into a swan?

Leda was a queen of Sparta, the wife of King Tyndareus, who was seduced by Zeus in the guise of the swan. Helene and Klytaimnestra, were her daughters and the Dioskouroi twins, Polydeukes and Kastor, her sons.

Was Zeus a boy?


Who was Europa in Greek mythology?

In Greek Mythology Europa was a beautiful maiden with whom Zeus fell in love with. He took up the form of a bull and approached her from the sea. Europa was seduced by Zeus, and he carried her off to become his wife