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The Spanish explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa.

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Q: Who was the explorer who reached the Pacific Ocean through the isthmus of Panama?
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Which explorer reached the pacific ocean through the isthmus of panama?

Vasco de Balboa

What explorer explored the isthmus of panama?

Vasco de Balboa is the explorer that crossed the Isthmus of Panama. He crossed over land in that area. Now ships can cross that area through the Panama Canal to get from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.

What did Balboa accomplish?

Vasco de Balboa was the first European to sea the Pacific Ocean, he sailed with Christopher Columbus on Columbus's second voyage, and he governed several towns. This probably does not answer your question, though. Maybe search through google?

If Magellan had not found a strait through south America how would his expedition have reached Asia?

No it wouldn't have reached Asia because he had to cross into the Pacific from the Atlantic through the strait.

What was the name of the spanish officer who crossed the Isthmus of Panama to reach the Pacific Ocean in 1513?

His name was Vasco Núñez de Balboa. He was the first explorer one to cross into and see the Pacific Ocean. He, however, was not the one who named it. After him, Ferdinand Magellan -- who captained the first circumnavigatin of the globe -- traveled through the Pacific and named it then in 1520.

What is the importance of an isthmus?

Isthmus is an important geopolitical tool.E.g. isthmus of kra is being developed as a cut through canal to bypass the pervasively dependent malaccan straits. This project by china will greatly influence the pattern of world trade.

What was Lewis and Clark's travel route?

Lewis and Clark traveled West through the Louisiana Purchase, St. Charles, Fort Mandan, and reached the Pacific Ocean.

Why did the US want the canal?

Because Roosevelt knew that a canal through the isthmus would greatly benefit American Commerce and Military capability. Also the Panama was a perfect place for a canal because of it location between the Caribbean sea and the Pacific Ocean .

Which explorer was the first to sight the pacific ocean?

Balboa was the first one to find the Pacific ocean.He hiked through a thick forest just to see the ocean.

Through which ocean does most of the International Date Line pass?

The Pacific Ocean.The arctic, the pacific, and the southern.

Which ocean does most of the international dateline pass through?

It passes mostly through the Pacific Ocean.

Who was the first European to sail the grate lakes?

Jean Nicollet was the first European who travel through the Great Lakes area. he was a French explorer who visited the Lake Michigan that possibly reached the Mississippi River.